How are you today, keeping busy. Not quite sure how we managed to up load two photos exactly the same, never mind, we'll have another try sometime.
Nice day here today, at last.
Nothing much else to report on Grandad, I'll keep you posted. He has now been admitted to the Ward, Elderly Medicine, so I'll pop down at lunchtime, they were just on ward round when I went earlier. There were about 7 students round him last night when I went, think he was enjoying all the attention.
Have a good day.
Speak to you tomorrow, with more news
Mum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Nice pictures, now i can finally see them.
Here are Mum and Dad's photos that didn't show up before
So sorry for calling you yesterday. I knew you and Mum had swapped phones but the phone you have now is still down in my phone book as Mum. Really sorry, I must remember to change them round. It wasn't anything too important. I wondered why it made a funny noise as it rang out... I just thought it was an engaged tone or something.
Like Mum said I fell over at work on Saturday night. Fell on my elbow and knee but other than a few bruses all is fine there. I must have twisted as I fell as my neck and back are stiff and sore the day after which, if they don't get better soon, isn't going to be much fun when sleeping in a tent over the weekend.
Oh the place you need to avoid if you don't want to get eaten by the beast is Costa Del Backgarden.
I must give Mum and Dad a lesson on how to put there photos up as they don't seem to have shown up.
Not got too much to tell you really as I haven't been upto much. Spent yesterday with Joe and I'm at work tonight but Monday's are not busy so I should be home about 11:30 tonight. Sounds like you had a good weekend, it's good that your managing to explore lots aswell as working hard.
Hear from you soon, and sorry again for waking you.
Lizzy x x x
Hi Helen
Monday monring again.
Sounds like your weekend was interesting, you are obviously managing to see and explore lots of things. We had a good day yesterday, usual laughs with Liz & Neil, plus we did manage to walk this time.
Sorry you were disturbed at 1.30 am, can only think that Lizzy got the wrong number, I haven't seen her, she is at Jo's, but did speakto her just before you rang. Apparently she slipped at work the night before and has hurt her neck and back, although it just sounds like pulled muscles, I think.
It's a dreadful morning here, pouring it down again. Doing my Guider duty this afternoon and having to go to a funeral. Don't think you will know her, but an Assistant Guider at Hibaldstow died last week, she was only 42.
I was talking to Sara on Saturday, expect you will have received her e-mail, she was very pleased with herself. Don't know any news of anyone else who has done A levels. Will is panicking about Thursday now.
Have a good day. Speak tomorrow.
Mum x
I am glad to here you had a good weekend. It rained here lots on Friday, so you are not the only ones. It was a very hot weekend though. We went to the Batu caves on Saturday and for a walk in the oldest forest reserve in the country, which is not far form your hotel. I have posted a note on my journal if you would like to know more.
I am sorry for the call last night Lizzy called me a couple of times. I thought it must be important if you were calling at 1.30am and when I tried to call I could not get throught initially. Anyway nevermind, no crisis.
Have a good monday. I have started on a new ward today, female medical, it is much the same set up as the last ward but with a different gender of patients.
WHY do insects like me, whatever i do to avoid them they still get me. If anyone has some good tips they would be much appreciated. I don't want to catch anything.
Will write again tomorrow.
PS Mum I have also sent you an email to work.
Dad & Mum
Been to Robin Hoods Bay today with Liz and Neil. Had a nice day sunny until late afternoon when it bucketed it down but we were in Pickering by then having tea.
I'll send a message in the morning Helen, just off to bed. Please see photos.[IMG][/IMG]
Yes I am still around. Working at home today.
I was at Wakehurst and then traveling home so that is why I have not been on line.
I have had lots of advice from people. It all depends what you are looking for. Malacca which is just South of KL was one place - orig a Dutch settlement and not spoilt, lots of interesting shops. The Cameron Highlands were recommended by most people, however they said it was cooler.
Islands - lots of conflicting info depends what you want. If you go North you can get the local fishermen to take you to some of the more remote islans not on the usual tourist packages. Pays to talk to the locals.
If you have anything specific in mind I can ask.
Planning to go fishing with Martin tomorrow and walking with L&N on Sunday, as you know. Should be a good weekend I think, however back to London Monday to kick some ass!
Trust you have agreat weekend, and look after yourself.
Hey Helen,
I was off to the isle of man today but it was canceled because it was pouring it down with rain, i also was of biking yesterday but that was canceled too so not a very productive week for me, caught up with some sleep and lots of scrubs so i think i can be a doctor now.
Yes me and lizzy have been on our travels of our own, where i got attacked by a hungry beast (named Lucy)
Thats all for now speak later
Will x x x
Please don't be too impressed with the time I messages my messages it records them on british time, so it is usually about 2 o'clock here. It is 7 hours ahead of British summertime. I am usually up by 7 but not working.
Hi Helen
I am very impressed at the time you leave your messages, before 7 am this morning.
Today it is puring down with rain and very dark, I left everyone else in bed to come to work. Dad is still alive, he's off for his jabs today.
Enjoy Penang, are you going for the weekend?
Haven't heard anything about A levels, but I will keep my ears to the ground and see if I can find anything out about Sarah.
Seeing Liz & Neil on Sunday, we are going walking along the coast at Robin Hood's Bay - weather permitting of course. If it's too bad we will just have to shelter in a pub!
Have fun, speak again soon.
Mum x
I hope Will is ok i looks as if that strange creature was trying to eat him! Please tell me where he went on his travels so I know to avoid it.
Don't worry about the room Liz you have to remember you are only there for a year or so. It is proably more hassle than it is worth. I never did anything to Manor terrace. Did you watch any good episodes of scrubs?
How is/was the Isle of Man, Will?
Is Dad still alive i have not heard form him in a while. Maybe he go eaten by the same creature, it would not suprise me.
Have you heard any news about A level results? Did Sarah get what she needed?
I am off to book flights to Penang later. They are on offer at the moment, just under 10 pounds, and it saves a long bus journey.
Tommorrow i am off to the Batu caves. Supposed to be quite impressive, plus there are lots of monkeys.
Dad where did the people at work recomend to go?
Have a fun weekend just i dont get a chance to leave another message beforehand.