Glad to get the Luxor news, but didn't realise it was Ramadan - what a pain. Glad you enjoyed the coast, but Cairo sounds much the same as when we were there - very difficult to negotiate (putting it politely!!)Hope that now you've got the visa sorted, you have less trouble in Sudan, although it would be good if you find someone to travel with!
By the way, we've booked our flights to Oz and NZ, you'll be relieved to know!! Fly out on 21st January.
Take care - love from Mum and Dad
Nan Walder
Hi James!
Glad for your news, am looking at this on Frankie's laptop, having just been fed!
Sounds good where you are. Much love
Nan, and the Walders. xxxxx
hey lanky... finally found this! ill keep checking it for updates... have an amazing trip! see you in sunny mexico! dont be missing me too much x
Vicky Whittle
James.... Great to see you at the wedding. Enjoy the trip and keep in touch. Love Vicky, Rob and Alex xx
Enjoy your travels! I'm sure you will have a great time!