Happy Birthday, have a good one, hope you manage to track down a beer or two to celebrate.
I am enjoying the blog, very impressed with the funny bloke you get to write it for you!!
see you when you get back, cheers, J
James Gilbert
Hey guys, thanks for all the comments, keeps me going on the low points. Keep them coming.
Happy New Year.
Hi James!
We're all loving reading all about your adventures :) Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year also! We have had aunty Helen and uncle Paul over today which has been really nice. Hope you are well and keeping safe and happy. Merry Christmas :)
Lots of love, Jasmine x x x
The Walders
Hi James. : )
Happy Christmas!! What did you do for christmas day? I'm sure it would have been a different experience?!
Thinking of you, hope all is going well and you're ok.
Have a Happy Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Lots of love from The Walders. xxxxx
Adam & Donna
hay fella my god you have got some gutts....
great to here you are still thrill seaking buddy. sorry to hear your about your camra. try to stay away from scumbags. get intouch if your travels bring you close to us. i will drive you round canada in style anytime you like. you are alwasy welcome.
stay safe and merry christmas hope the new year brings some more cool adventures. heatster
Leon Garshong
Hi James,
Sound like you are having a fantastic time!
Sorry to hear your camera went missing! Try this link: http://www.adrive.com/ they are an online storage place that gives you 50gb free storage. Not sure what your internet access has been like out on your travels but you maybe able to back up your new photos pretty easily using this site!
Anyway mate, enjoy the rest of your travels! Have a great xmas and new year!
Mum And Dad
Another good tale - glad it wasn't so scary this time!! However, you do need to choose better travelling companions!!! Great photos.
love Mum and Dad
Margaret J( Krys's Mum)
Hi James,Great to hear all your news, it sounds really interesting and scarey at times. I think you are very brave. Just take care and make sure that you keep safe and happy.Best wishes Margaret and Martin J
Hey Cuz!
Your latest instalment made me and mum laugh quite a bit - mainly the kayaking!! The photos of rafting are awesome, I bet it was fun - I have always wanted to do it! Dad had a similar experience when trying to jet and water ski, he couldnt find his centre of gravity so mum tells me! Chin up! Not too much is happening here, Nannerz is fine, and aunty Helen is adapting and prinitng off your blog instalments for her to read.
Sorry to hear about your illness, but at least it's treatable. Like Jaz once said before, your blog makes a great change from Facebook and always makes me smile...at your expense! Sorry.
Hope you re havig a blast, love Frankie and mum. xxxx
Mum And Dad
That was a bit of a scary blog, even if you are enjoying yourself!!! Fleas in one place, worms in another - lovely!!! What's next on the menu?!! It'll be interesting to see what you think of Tanzania.
love mum and dad
All sounds good Jim!
Liked your explanation about the church up on the cliffs in Ethiopia. I'd pay good money to watch Kipper crawl up that path on his hands and knees!
Take it easy and look after yourself.
If you get taken hostage, you're on your own.
Mike Peeke
Yo yo!
Glad your still with us and haven't been sold int slavery or owt. Steph & Gaynz stayed with me the other day. Gaynz has got a job in Notts so their moving down on Monday. be nice t have them a bit Closer
In other news... I jacked me job in this week Hurrah! I have bought my visa for Oz and hopefullt get my flights booked this weekend. Leaving in Jan for a year.
Mine and Darren's trip was a sucsess... there was a few random encounters along the way as i'm sure you can imagine. so any ways, do you fancy making a slight detour to Melbourne next year?