Shame about the negative vibes about Kenya, although I do know what you mean! The 'give me, give me' mentality totally fazed me when we were there, especially when we were approached on the beach with just our cossies on!! Where did they think we hid the money?!!! Mind you, Sri Lanka was infinitely worse!!
Glad you enjoyed the 'vulnerability' of the mountain biking but I think you're on your own there! I prefer the safety of a vehicle!! Looking forward to the next instalment.
love mum and dad
Very jealous mate, all sounds frickin cool. I'm especially enjoying some of the eloquent and fanciful language you are using to describe some of the situations you're getting into. Lucky you decided against revealing your extensive knowledge of General Bashir, sidestepped a problem there, phew. Keep 'em coming mate, it's an interesting read.
Hi James,
Photos are wonderful, as per your usual standard! Love the picture of the baboon- reminds me I must get a hair cut. Had our first day of heavy rain today and there was a bit of rejoicing going on, it's been so dry. Getting ready for Andy's 50th birthday meal at the weekend and a few guests. Stay happy and be safe.
lots of love
Mum And Dad
Great piccies and blog, James, but never mind Dan s******* himself, what about you? You weren't very happy up on our roof when dad needed help with the new tv aerial!!! What's the trick for getting rid of fleas - dousing with tej?!!!
love mum and dad
Ellie And Nicholas
Hello James, we hope you are well. We have been following your fab travels with our map at home, and Mummy and Daddy read us your blogs (sometimes edited). We love your photos of some of the wacky people you've met along the way.
Thank you very much for our post card. I took it into school for 'show and tell' last friday, and my teacher was very impressed with your travelling, although she did question how old my grandad was? I was then asked to draw a picture of you on holiday. Daddy has sent a copy to your email address, so you can see it.
Take care
Lots of love from
Ellie and Nicholas
(and Mummy and Daddy!)
Stew Kendall
Hi Jim
Sounds like you are having a fantastic time mate. Not sure I'd fancy getting stuck in the desert but you did the right thing staying put with the vehicle and digging yourself out - Ray Mears would be proud.
All going well here - everyone's getting engaged: Coates and Kate, Miller and Anna, Flower and Belinda, Alex Lancaster and her man Jock... ! We're all well - Flynn is growing fast and starting to take an interest in things - he's not just a poo making machine after all.
Take care, keep enjoying the travels.
Stew, Fin + Flynn x
Sarah (Aka Goblin)
Hey James - loving the travel news, it's fantastic. Glad you are having such an interesting time. I suspect I could visit Sudan as after having a baby, I really do know absolutely nothing so wouldn't need to act as a dumb tourist...
Loved your facial experience - reminded me of the time I had a manicure in India, and was subjected to 15 minutes of my arms and hands being rubbed literally red raw. It was only when I was on the brink of tears (as was the manicurist) that I realised what the issue was and I calmly informed him that they were freckles and they didn't come off!
Keep having fun!
Sarah x
Hi James! How's it going? I have been reading your blog and it all sounds amazing! I'm very jealous of your visit to Eygpt, it's one place I've always wanted to go, the tombs etc fascinate me! Keep us all updated as you go...makes a very nice change from facebook! haha. Take care, Love Jaz x x x
Mike Peeke
I second your parents comments... all sounds a bit crazy for me!
you missed a treat the other day my friend... Middlesbrough gay pride! oh yes, thats right, Middlesbrough had a gay pride! Corinne & myself were in attendance. We decided to see if we could go out on just £20 each. i'm pleased to say you can get quite pissed on 20 quid... i'm never spending 90 quid on a night out ever again!
Oz looms ever closer for me, 2 days to go. I havent packed a thing... i'm sat in the middle of a pile of slightly damp laundry trying to decide what to take with me.
any ways mr, look forward to your next post, will check on you whilst i'm away!
Mike x
Mum And Dad
Some of that sounded a tad scary!! Didn't we warn you about taxi drivers in Egypt - we had exactly the same experience in Cairo?!! I'm sometimes surprised they get any visitors to the country but I suppose they take advantage of people doing their own thing!
Glad Sudan was better than expected and that you had some company - there's always someone doing something madder than you!!
love mum and dad
James Gilbert
Thanks for the comments guys, always good to hear from everyone, keep them coming.
Mike Peeke
Looks like your having fun! was having cheeky gins in Mal Maison and thought of you! Me & Daz are off to Oz in 10 days! we are quite excited! Steph got a job so had to Gaynz in Bali. Didnt get the job with North Tyneside so my year out next year is looking a little more likely. with any luck i might get to see you at some point next year! Take care, speak soon!