Friends gone, we left Sydney in our hire car heading north up the east coast for four days. On the first day we noticed smoke to our left, then a bit later smoke to our right - vaguely concerning. When Heather saw flames ahead of us and a number of vehicles making rapid u-turns our concern level increased and after weighing the options, Heather suggested that we turn around before we die in a sea of flames. We took an 80 kilometre detour before arriving in Forster, a town 10 kilometres beyond the point from where we turned round, and we stayed the night. The rest of the trip was enjoyable but not particularly eventful, except for a town called Bellingham. We had decided to stop overnight and went out for a drink and some food - as we walked along, the sky darkened and thousands of "Flying Foxes" (a type of bat) were passing overhead. It was an awesome sight but they had been feeding on fruit trees and seemed intent on proving Isaac Newton's theories on gravity - We were hit with half eaten fruit falling from a great height (it hurts) and some waste products to boot. Our last overnight stop was Byron Bay, a hippy town that allowed us a chilled evening before moving on to Minyama and Kevin.
- comments
Ann Twomey Ive found it again ha ha !! I t was brilliant to hear your voices the other week I was soooooo excited to hear from you and to speak to Kevin too bonus. Well theres no need to ask if you are having fun because its plain to see you are. Belfast was a great success well done to Joan. I went with Jackie chana, sheila and her mate jackie to a jail it was a tour and how good it was. I was sooo impressed. All good here kids well Michael still in Liverpool coming over in 2 weeks to visit. John having probs with his stomach and injured by football knee !!! He off to Ireland to watch the England/Ireland rugby game. 4 course meal , meet the players, drink included, nibbles after game too. Front row seat !!! He excited about it. Anyway take care love to you both from Mrs. Twomey xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx