Hello, hello! I have managed to make it to the internet again, but still haven't found a place here in town where I can upload more photos. There are quite a few from this past week. We went rafting down the Ganges yesterday, which was a ton of fun! I even jumped off the cliff into the water :-) We're taking daily lessons in naturpoathic theory, and last week started learning about Swedish massage, whcih is the kind they do for patients here at our site. We learned all about it on Thursday, then he showed us the pecific massages for half the body regions on Friday. TOmorrow we'll learn the other half. Alyssa and I have decided to stay in Rishikesh one more week, so we will actually have a chance to learn alot about the massages (end even practice them, too!) We're getting the whole expeirence here, since we do an hour of yoga each morning and an hour of relaxation and pranayama (a special breathing therapy) in the evenings. I fell asleep in the relaxation class two of the four times we had it last week...woops! Another funny thing happened...I had an encounter with monkeys earier this morning! I was just sitting on my bed typing this morning (after I got to sleep in, which was awesome) when I heard a plastic bag rustling in the entry room behind me. I looked around the corner, and there were two mokeys helping themselves to our snacks! I kind of freaked out since I 've heard monkeys will attack people if they feel threatened, so I shut the door to the bedroom. THen I realized that the monkeys would eat all of our snacks if I didn't scare them out, so I opened the door and started swinging at them with my pajama pants (that's all I could think of to use!) They slowly just grabbed what food they wanted and walked out the front door, so I totally felt stupid that I was crazily swinging my pants back and froth to scare them off! I shut - and locked - the screen door, only to open it a few minutes later to take a picture of the baby monkey that was still sitting outside finishing the banana that was supposed to be my breakfast. It was pretty funny in retrospect! Okay, well I am about to go over my time at the internet cafe, but I will try to update again soon. Happy Mother's Day!
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