AFAICT you've ceorevd all the bases with this answer!
Papa Ted
Heather a great journal. Makes me feel like I am on a Narnia like adventure. When you first started talking about persuing a career in medicine I had my doubts but after seeing you were able to hold the camera straight and take a picture of the GIANT SPIDER!! I knew you could handle anything. Thanks for taking the time to update your journal we look forward to your postings.
Carol Fischer
Hi Heather,
I was walking the track with your dad tonight and he was telling me about your blog. Pretty Cool! Looks like you are having a great experience. Take it all in. This will all be a memory of a life time.
Eric Hodnett
The photos are great and the captions add a lot in telling about the photo and the story of your trip and experiences. Keep up the great work. Love ya , Dad..
Auntie O
Well, I just finished a wonderful message but all of a sudden it just went into the ozone. Just wanted to say how beautful all of your photos are; but especially want to say how proud I am of you!! Wow, what an adventure!! I'm so sorry that I am going to miss you when I'm visiting for Whitney's graduation. We will just have to catch up some other time!! You take great care of yourself and don't ever foget and always remember that I love you!!!
Wonderful photos, Heather! Such breath-taking views (especially the Taj). Looks like you're having such a terrific time. We all envy the experience you're having.... except for the spider!!! Oh, I heard Leonard enjoyed Senior Skip day fishing w/ the "boys" at Lost Creek. Jessica gets to be Chava (the 3rd daughter) in the school musical "Fiddler on the Roof." I'll try to get some good photos for you. Miss you lots! Take care of yourself & keep smiling!!!
Hey dear. Love the pictures.. the Taj looks absolutely breathtaking! WoooooW so jealous of the experience you are having right now. I face booked you but I just wanted you to know I love you tons! Bye sister
Jen Sims
Came across your blog by chance. Great photos. First went to Batoli 25 years ago on a medical mission, as an observer rather than a medic. Have been back many times to Sainji village near Batoli and Kempty; do you know it? Next there in May for a wedding. Will you still be there? I am a teacher in Cambridge, England. Loved the photos of the Rock Garden in Chandighar - a great place.
Hey sister! So mom sent me the link to this so I could come check it out. This is a pretty cool little thing you've got goin on here. I loved looking through the pictures, everything look absolutely gorgeous. It seems that you are having a good time.. so continue to. I love and miss you darling. Only like 3 months til you come home haha!
Love you!
Hey Cuz- Looks like a blast so far. You're smile makes it seem like you are really having a good time. Cute hair too:) Keep us posted.
Lova ya,
Just been cruising around your blog site. Pretty cool and it seems you've been learning a few things about blogs, the internet, etc. That's good too.
Good luck with finals and I will be looking forward to seeing you at spring break!!