I apologize it's been awhile since I posted a new blog entry, and unfortunately it will be quite awhile longer befopre I can once again. I head up to Than Gaon later this evening and will be there all this week. It's the remote village I spent my first week in, so once again, there will be no internet access while I'm there. Hopefully we will have electricity unlike last time, so I will be able to keep my phones charged and computer and camera working as well! The food up there is soooo good; I've been craving it since we left five weekends ago! We'll be working with the doctor who uses allppathic and ayurvedic healing techniques, so it will be nice once again to get the exposure to the herbal remedies. I expect we will go on a few more hikes this week, two with Dr. Paul to surrounding villages at least. This time we should also be doing yoga every morning and evening, so that should be cool. It's just Alyssa and I this time, s we should both get quite a bit of hands-on experience with the patients. It may only be taking blood pressures, temperatures, weights and the such, but hey, experience is experience! I miss you all, and I cant believe this is the seventh week already...time flies! I need to get to posting some more pictures for you all to look at, so bye for now!!
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