Hey Honey - you're not planning on going to work on Monday I hope?? You're gonna be WHIPPPPED!!! I will have my laptop at the campground and will be watching your flight. I hope you're having an awesome final couple of days and I can't wait to see you!!!!
Hey - have you been writing in your journal???
Lots of love - Mom <3 <3 <3
Linda Haley
Ireland sounded fantastic and I know London will be just as great. Your trip has been so much fun to follow. I am really going to miss these blogs! HA! Hi Glenda . . . yes indeed . . . we are missing that girl!!! So glad the trip has been wonderful but sure anxious to give a big hug too. Love to all, Linda
Glenda Reaux
Hey Girlie - how wonderful this time you are having in Ireland! David and I have this place on our list of planned trips. So great to hear you having some good ol' Irish fun!!
In case you hadn't noticed, Linda and I are missing you a LOT!! LOL. It will be good to see you and give you a BIG HUG!! Have a safe trip to London! I love you!! Mom
Linda Haley
Ireland sounds wonderful and by far one of your best stops. You really make me want to see it (sooner rather than later)!! Wow, see you in 4 days . . . it's hard to believe that your trip is coming to an end. BUT, I am sure you girls are exhausted. Can't wait to talk to you when you get home to hear all the stories in person and see all the pics. Have fun, be safe . . . love you, Lin
Glenda Reaux
Hi Honey - glad you enjoyed Marc and Chantal in Belgium. Have a great day in Brussels and a safe flight to Dublin. How exciting! Here's a good one for you:
Slán agus beannacht leat
It's gaellic for "Goodbye and blessings to you"!! Say THAT 5 times fast!!
Love, Mom
Linda Haley
I was so glad to hear of your German experience (I was beginning to wonder where you were)!! The castles sound incredible and the scenery just beautiful. Isn't it wonderful to meet fellow Americans. It's like a little bit of home. Keep having a great time, be safe . . . love you, Lin
Linda Haley
Hi there . . . have missed your blogs. I'm sure you guys you're busy as can be but miss hearing the details of the trip. Have fun/be safe. Love you . . . Lin
Hey you! What a trip of a lifetime. I'm sooo jealous. LOL Sounds like you are having a great time. I can't wait to see the pictures and the videos you've taken. And do wish I could have been with you when you saw the Sistine Chapel and the vatican, and that statue of David. WOW. Well honey, soak up everything and be prepared to re-live your experiences over and over when you get home.
With love and great envy, Grandma Sunni
Glenda Reaux
Hey GONDOLA GIRLS!! Hope you girls had fun in Venice. It's off to Munich with you so..
haben Sie eine gute Zeit!!
Love, Mom
Linda Haley
Hey Cookie . . . once again, you sound like you're having a ball! By the time you have finished the trip, you two will be exhausted! But, the trip of a lifetime will have been well worth it. Anxious to hear about Venice! Love you/miss you . . . Lin
Pretty Pretty Please upload some pics? Pweeeese?
Glenda Reaux
Well, judging by most of your comments, it's probably a good thing I'm only VIRTUALLY following you around and are not actually DOWN WIND!!! LOL. Sounds like you're still having a great time, even, with the occasional sucky part. Keep up the good laundry! I love you! Love, Mom