I feel like I am almost there with you after reading your blog (dirty laundry and all). You will love the Vatican (you will be awestruck)! Check out all the dead Popes in glass coffins along the walls. Very strange (but interesting . . . sort of like our trip to see "Bodies" at the Tropicana). Some are even covered in what appears to be aluminum foil. I found the Sistine Chapel to be really small (pretty, but really small). I'll be anxious to hear your comments and what you think. Keep having a ball seeing it all. Love you . . . Lin
ROME is just gorgeous...don't be afraid to take the metro to the Coliseum and then just walk from there to the other sightseeing places.
I am sure you have discovered gelato by now-there is a great place on the street right outside the Vatican.
I am so happy you are having a GREAT time and we all get to read about it!
Linda Haley
Hi there . . . how was the train ride to Milan (besides long)? HOpe all went well. I hope it is cooler there than in Barcelona. Ryan is coming this weekend. Will hopefully golf with his brothers and Don. I know you're having a great time, but we miss you. Hugs, Lin
Glenda Reaux
Hey I'm sending email - did you get it? Is it working? Are you checking it? Just want to be sure before I write any more. LOL. Sent you some info from my friends in Belgium. Hope you were able to sleep on the train - I couldn't! Love, mom
Glenda Reaux
Hey! I read about the heat wave down there... drink lots of water!!! Hope you found an awesome beach. Waiting impatiently for some pics. I love you and miss you!! Love, Mom
Becky Hoffman
I am so glad to hear you girls are having such a great adventure! Hurry with the pics! Miss ya girly!
Hey girl! glad to hear you're having a great time! You put a huge smile on my face when you mentioned meeting the aussies...by far the best people we met on our trip. Remember to be safe, cant wait to see your picts
Linda Haley
Just love reading about the trip. Sounds like you guys are seeing and doing all . . . and having a blast. Watch out for the pickpockets!! Miss you . . . Lin
(what Kelly-Kellette said)
I guess we'll have to find some way to do the same next year in AFRICA, right?
P.S. when you go to Germany:
"Wo ist die toilette?"
[vO ist D toilet-tah]
This travel blog was the best idea! It's so fun to read about what you're doing that day!
Kelly Belly
Yeah! C'est bon que vous utilisez votre francais! J'espair que vous parlais meilluer que j'ecrit.
I'm not sure if that made any sense, but I'm so jealous that you're in France. Drink some good wine for me!
Your blog rocks socks! You sound like you are on a grand adventure. Hey maybe you can catch a train to Eugene from Europe. Geography!