So after the drive with the boys from Airlie Beach to Townsville, with another horrible hang over, it was time to catch the ferry over to Magnetic Island. I was told that it would be a smooth sailing, which I was so relieved about, due to not feeling so great and also only just starting to feel like I was no longer on a boat from the Whitsundays. However, as soon as we started to move on the ferry it felt like we was on a speed boat. Up down up down it went, and I didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was so rough that I had to keep grabbing on to Lee where I was coming out of my seat quite a bit, and I had to have my eyes shut from feeling so bad. Thankfully the crossing was only about 20 minutes, and as soon as it stopped I have never been so happy in my life when I've been feeling so ill. Lee was a sweetie again and carried my bag for me bless him, and we made our way to get the bus to take us to our hostel.
We stayed at Base and all tried to get into the same room, but the woman at reception was absolutely useless and got everything all mixed up, so we ended up being in different rooms. Our first night was pretty chilled, we just had a few drinks in the bar and I was spoilt, as the boys cooked dinner for me, and it was one of my favourites too Spaghetti Bolognese! Yummy.
The next day we went to the Koala Sanctuary and I couldn't help but hold another Koala, they are just too cute not to. It was a guided tour of the park and lasted for 2 hours. I also held a crocodile and a snake. Holding the crocodile was weird at first,as I didn't expect it to be so squidgy, but then I started to find it very sweet and had to give it a kiss. We then went to see some Cockatoos and the one that I'm holding in the picture sits on your arm, you put a seed in your mouth and he gently takes it out and eats it. At first when I went to take it off of one of the boys arms the bird kept trying to nibble my arm, so it made me a bit nervous. In the end it walked onto me and I never realised that birds make me quite nervous, especially when they are that big. It was so strange seeing the bird coming up so close to my face and taking the seed out, as you can tell by my face in the picture. We then went and held the Koala (Barney) and he had had an upset tummy the day before, so I was praying that he would be ok when it came to my turn. He didn't have the runs but he did poo in my hand, naughty Barney!
We then went and saw some other things that were really cute and I really can't remember what they are called. They were in the same place as the Lizards and we got to touch them. I didn't like the feel of them, as they were quite spikey but they are kind of sweet looking in a way, especially the tiny ones.
The last part was holding a snake. I've never been scared of snakes, but when you see the massive thing being put over your head and then feel the weight of it on your shoulders it's quite nerving. I could feel it moving across my shoulders and it was all slimey, I didn't like the snake one bit and said to Lee to quickly take the picture and then wanted it off of me. Even when I think of it now it still gives me the shivers.
I was spoilt again on the last night with the boys, as they cooked for me again and it was a delicious chicken curry. They wanted to have a lay down after dinner (which I don't know why boys have to do this), so I done the washing up.
Again it was another quiet night and I bumped into some people that I had been travelling with from Fraser Island, so had a few drinks with them and Lee. It was a nice chilled evening. The next morning after we had breakfast it was time to say bye to the boys, as they were making their way up to Cairns. The next couple of days I had left on Magnetic, I went on the beach with my book and Ipod and it was lovely.
Was really worried about the ferry crossing back to Townsville, but when I got on it I took Lee's advice and sat downstairs and I hardly felt any movement, so it was an ok crossing in the end. When I got back to Townsville it was back on the Oz bus and on to Mission Beach for the next few nights. This will be the first time in about a month and a half that I have actually been on my own, so hopefully will meet some nice people in the hostel.
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