Sorry this has been so long guys, but after vic falls I went straight to Dollar Block for a week to be involved in the research on the release lions and then i was really busy here and we've had no end of powercuts and internet not working so apologies but I will quickly try and recap everything i've been up to!!
Vic Falls was amazing, the gorge swing was absolutely terrifying but so much fun! you jump off a platform and freefall for about 70m and then the rope catches you and you swing across the gorge! That night we went to a place called the boma restaurant which serves traditional african dishes like impala, zebra etc etc, i tried impala and warthog which were both quite nice, they also have traditional african dancers and give you all a drum and they teach you how to drum, which was so much fun! We did a skydive the next day which wasn't as scary as the gorge swing so I enjoyed it more, am definately going to do more skydives! I've got a dvd of it which i'll be sending home soon! We went to Chobe National Park in Botswana on the last day which was gorgeous, saw so many elephants it was unbelievable, Mum you'd have loved it, there were babies in this huge herd which all came down to water to drink and play! It was the sort of thing you see on tv but they were about 30m away from us! Also saw lots of hippos and crocs on the boat cruise we did in the afternoon. On the way up to Vic Falls we stopped off at Matopos National Park where you can walk with the white rhinos and Hwange where we did a game drive.
The next week I went straight to Dollar Block where we were going into the release site and collecting data on the lions, what groups they're in, and behavioural charactistics etc etc. Since then i've been back at the park doing all the normal stuff.
We did a horse swim a few days ago which is so much fun, when the horse starts swimming you have to lie on their back so they dont panic with the weight of you on top of them, is really funny as the horses stick their noses out and snort. Cant think of anything else new i've done but if i remember anything i will add it on to next time!
Lots of love, miss you all, xxx
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