Vietnam Ho Chi Minh
I liked this place, it was massive so didn't really scrape the surface. Its bloody Chinese New Year so everything is triple the price for 4 weeks! We wanted to get the Open Tour Bus where you can hop on and hop off all the way to Hanoi for 28$ But its 80$ now because of the holidays. b*****. We stayed in our first place for $20 with basic free breakfast but that's way over our budget, the next night was $10 free internet. We walked around, went to a flower show and went to the War Museum. This was very touching, really graphic pictures and the real USA fighter planes on display. I cant believe what the USA did it was awefull! How Vietnam can forgive is admirable. Lots of the vietnamese have big problems passed on through generations deformaties etc due to the Chemical Agent Orange where a table spoon of this stuff can kill a hole villiage! They dropped gallons of it, and its totally f***ed their people up, drooping eyes, loss of speech, no legs, no arms all kids being born that werent even in the bloody war! Anyway it was very upseting. Also land mines going off still today and injuring lots of Vietnamese.
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