Before you read this you may want to go and put the kettle on, take a few deep breaths and pop a few pro-plus, i've got two weeks worth of blogging to catch up on so you're in it for the long haul now...
After incorrectly setting my alarm and getting up at 4am instead of 6am i had a few unsociable hours to kill whilst in Melbourne, given that we were staying in the red-light district i decided against going for a sunrise stroll and opted instead for the couch and the TV and proceeded to watch cartoon and spill drinks (i like to think i was getting into the true character of a 3year old). I arrived in Sydney by aeromoplane, one which felt like it was going to drop right out of the sky, but thankfully that should be one of my last flights for a while. I was greeted in Sydney with a smile from God, also know to some as a big fat sun and flawless blue sky. Tammy and Sarah (2 friends from NZ) welcomed me and then we met up with Danny and Dave and span (is spin an irregular verb?) around in some chairs before heading to the marvel that is the Opera House. Which is an impressive building and always a hive of activity, but the roof looks a different colour every time i see it, once it was grey, then bright white then brown. Maybe those $10 sunglasses weren't as good at starving off the rays as the little sticker on the lens claimed afterall. That evening a load of us bounded to the beach resort of Coogee but i had no i.d with me which is as good as killing the night so we headed to a BYO Chinese restaurant, how i love BYO. Several hours, spring rolls and a box of wine later we headed to the beach front to perfect that windswept look. I think i'm still brushing the knots out of my hair.
It seems that sunny Sunday daytimes are much like friday evenings, i found this out the hard way. Throw into that a reunion with Tori, and appearance from Andy, the heat and a few grapes and what you get is something that resembles a very messy affair. Tori and Andy very kindly put me up/put up with me for the following week. It seem Andy has cultivated that very fine skill of a modern day rag and bone man, i cam to this conclusion as he proudly showed me round the flat informing me of what he scavenged from the streets. Pretty much everything. Including the matress and sheets that i slept on. But i tell you that was the best 7 nights sleep i had in a long time, they were ex-hotel or something, it was pure comfort.
During that week i mainly took trips to the beach (the end of their road) where there's and ace swimming pool on rocks, its literally a few boulders strategically placed to create a pool effect and the waves come crashing in to the pool and throw you aginst the hard stone. Its pretty funny and you try swimming but get nowhere, i think i'm aware of undercurrents' power now! I also went job hunting, a task that sucks the life out of you no matter where you are. So job hunting without a tax number, address and bank account made for even more fun. I paced the smae streets for hours upon hours, i had to buy sensible attire and i had to step into a frame of mind i'd left a few thousand miles away! I went for a 'marketing' interview (read:door-to-door sales) and everything seemed to be for call centres or those things to recruit Greenpeace Warriors via their credit cards. I managed to get a trial shift at a restaurant based on my ability of being able to carry 3 plates, and they were convinced enough to offer me a job. Happy days.
I take it back, the sun's come out i'm off.... i'll finish this later
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