Hello peeps :-) Today (Saturday?) has been focused all on the Franz Josef glacier.
This morning we had to find brekkie as the accomodation we have is room only (BF was an extra $15 and consisted of bread and jam... expensive!) and being of good British Stock... we went to a pub. Nathan impresed Nat by ordering eggs benedict, Nat just stuck to boring bacon and eggs but she did stick her little finger out when drinking her tea to prove she is really posh.
After donning waterproof (!) jackets, trousers, woollen socks, thick gloves and a hat we were transported on the worlds oldest bus to the start of the walk with these guys: The walk up to the glacier face was fantastic; loads of waterfalls and gushing rivers as we walked up and along the giant riverbed. Crampons on before we were allowed onto the ice - by this time we were both slightly damp (it was piddling down) and Natalie was beginning to get annoyed by the slightly annoying woman in front who was walking like a penguin. Up on the ice was incredible, we've never seen anything like it. We tried to take some photos; in truth we have photos but Nat's camera is decidely allergic to the rain and may not have worked properly (it is now at camera hospital above the radiator drying out, under the care of Dr N Hawker). We had about 1.5 hours on the ice which was plenty of time to get even wetter and admire the scenery. By the time we got back (about 4 hours in total) we were SATURATED. Nat came off slightly worse - the trousers she was given were too short so she ended up with puddles in her boots.
Needless to say, as soon as we returned to our accomodation it was straight in the shower (though we could have saved half the water by applying shower gel/shampoo before getting in as we were both that wet). Our room now resembles a very untidy laundry - we have pants/trousers/tops drying where ever we (Nathan) could find space (Nat too busy moisturising)
Then, at 3.45 we walked down the road to the glacier Hot Pools ( where Nathan had booked a private pool. This was COMPLETE AND UTTER BLISS. mmm... sadly we didnt take a camera but there are a few good pics on the website.
And thats where today ends so far :-) Ernie enjoyed his trip up the glacier, and has fully dried out now. Sadly, his hair has gone a bit crazy, but we wont tell him he looks silly. We're going out soon to grab some grub, neither of us had lunch today so we both feel we qualify for a dessert tonight.
Loads of love, Nat and Nath x x x x x
Nat's Camera is fully recovered!! Whoop whoop!!!! :-P
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