Wayhey..... we have Wifi!
So, we made it down to Franz Josef and although the weather is a little dull (raining and quite cloudy) it is still warm and the location looks fantastic. Our trip started very early this morning (at 6am) with an early brekkie (Nathan was very careful not to wake the whole of the B&B by setting off the fire alarm when he made toast) and then a transfer to the station. We boarded the MASSIVE train and were allocated seats in the first carriage. Not quite first class, but we like to think we were important enough to get to Greymouth first :-P
The train journey was incredible; it is advertised as being one of the best journeys in the world and we would both second that - the views of the mountains, forests, rivers and plains were breathtaking. Nathan spent the whole journey standing in one of the viewing carriages taking photos - Natalie took the rare opportunity to sit peacefully guarding our bags, being watched by some strange bloke sat opposite, and trying to avoid her foot being trampled on by said strange bloke. After about 4.5 hours, we arrived at Greymouth, and thankfully we left after only 45 minutes (think comparable to Chard, or Crewkerne, or downtown Park district in Weymouth)
The coach to Franz Josef has been equally the most enjoyable and scariest trip ever. Enjoyable because we are in NZ, having the best time of our lives, fantastic scenery, comfortable surroundings etc etc etc. Scary due to one man - STEVE. He drove us there. And gave a running commentary on his life/NZ/state of the world/having cup of tea with the queen/where Rolf Harris is living now and so on. Apparently he has 600 girlfriends and recommended we add him as a friend on FB... maybe not.
Um, we've not really got too much to say today cos the day has been spent travelling. Its 5.50 pm here and we've just settled in to our accomodation which is equally as nice as the first B&B. The Wifi has a download limit so we wont be adding any photos here guys - sorry :-( Ohhh, by the way Nathan's current count on the photos is 348 - just averaging over 100 per day at present :-)
Tomorrow (Saturday) we have a guided walk to the Glacier (not sure what to expect but we're both looking forward to it) and then we have the afternoon off; we've just picked up details of some hot bathing pools and may go and try them out (after all, we are working bloody hard and need to relax!)
Well, gonna leave it here (for not a lot of things to tell you this has turned into rather a long blog!)
Will probably update tomorrow :-) Loads of love to you all x x x x x x x
- comments
Karen Wow sounds like you are having an amazing time! How funny Nat you and Nath you get an animated driver lol Nowt as funny as folk. :) Nathan with all those piccies you're taking you'll be able to open your own gallery never mind a slide night lol :) x x
katie awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww great news, just watch the photo slideshow and it finished toooooo quickly lol, not sure about the whole dumping over a cliff lol i mountain hahaha ............. miss you guys
Linda WOW! sounds like you guys are having a ball! Don't forget we're saving the best till last! ie North Island... Can't wait to see you both!!!! xxx