We are no longer in Cusco, but we still haven't got round to updating the blog properly since before the trek, so we are leaving the location as Cusco until we get round to that! There is so much to tell! It took us 3 hours tonight just to finally get all the photos loaded on! They won't do any justice to the stunning scenery, but will hopefully give you a flavour of the fantastic time we have had.
Anyway, we arrived back in Florida last night, and Miami airport was infinitely less queue-bound than when we arrived ten days earlier. So much so that exactly one hour after touching down we were stood in the Alamo office waiting to collect our car with only 3 people ahead of us in the queue. Excellent, this will only take a minute, we'll be in Naples by 8.30! Result!
We thought it was too good to be true, and of course it was. Between them the f*ckwits at Yes Car Hire and Alamo had managed to cancel the booking which I had made and paid for 5 months ago, so it took 45 of minutes of "banter" with the "helpful" lady behind the desk before we were able to drive away in a huge Toyota Landcruiser - a vehicle the size of a small tank! But to do this, we had to effectively make a new booking there and then, so if Yes Car Hire don't get their act together and correct the situation this week, we'll be lumbered with a $600 bill! Don't worry though, a strongly worded email is about to be penned...
Off to Myakka River State Park tomorrow for something like a 12 mile hike! You think we would be bored of walking now, but at least Florida's altitude ranges between about 0 and 2 metres above sea level (rather than the 3500-4570m range we were walking in in Peru!). Nice! In fact, I think the highest altitude I reached today was when I had to stand on tippy-toes to pull down the boot of our monster truck!!
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