So we left the girls in Surfers and Brisbane and made our way to Noosa.
We got to our hostel and checked into our room and was lucky enough to have some nice people staying so after a quick trip to the beach and a dinner of gravy and chips we hired a DVD and stayed in as we had an early start the next day. We wanted to get to Steve Irwins Zoo but wasn't told that the free shuttle they put on is not only the only way other then a taxi to get there but also that you have to book and they close at 4.30! This meant that we wouldn't be able to go unless we paid about $100 dollars each way to get there :-( As i don't like to be disappointed we decided to get up early and chance our luck for a space on the bus. When we got there in the morning there were loads of people, a few of the shuttles turned up and everyone ran forward - i managed to get to the front but everyone was shouting these ref numbers which i didn't have so didn't really know what to say...but then the lady next to me said her tour operator over the road said she didn't need to book and just to turn up - the driver mumbled something and asked how many in her group - i then butted in and said i had the same problem, she turned to me and asked if it was an old lady I had spoken to and I said oh yes!!! The driver then took mine and Dave's name and on we got!!!
The zoo was fab - the irwin family made an appearance at the crocoseum and Bhindi the little girl feed one of the crocs - i had a pic with a koala as they are just too cute and me and Dave had a joint one with a big snake called Charlie!
The next morning we were going to go to the beach as you should check out at 9 but the oz bus wasn't picking us up until 3 but i had loads of bites on me which turned out to be bed bugs!!! I freaked out and we washed the whole of our bags so our bags smell almost as good as the day we left. I have about 40 bites!! yuk I complained to the hostel who were good and fumigated the room but it turned out they had done that before we got there too so clearly hadn't helped :-)
So with our new clean bags we headed out to Rainbow Beach
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