Ok so we have now arrived at our last stop on our Oz experience tour, time goes so fast!
We booked ourselves into Gilligan's as some people we had met from Whitsunday's were also there. The first day we all just chilled by the pool and booked our diving/snorkelling for the following day - the boat was great and we went to Michaelmas Cay and Paradise reef, we also hired a camera and took pics throughout the day. Snorkelling we saw large clams, a stingray (but it was too quick to get a pic of) and lots of fish and coral. Then came time for the diving, (so, kitted out in our sexy stinger suits which made us look like smurf's off we went!) there was some large fish (not sure what?) and black travelli circling the boat and was still there when we got in to dive, as usual I wasn't very good and nearly came up but this dive wasn't deep at all and I was glad I did go as it was one of the best dives i've done. We saw a turtle, Dave was good with the camera and managed to get lots of pics, we also saw some more large clams and our diving instructor decided it would be a good idea to put my hand in and wait for it to slam shut! After our dive we snorkelled again and this time saw nemo (which dave got a fab pic of) and squid - they were so bizarre! That night it was one of the girls on our tour's last night and she decided to enter the wet t-shirt comp, we was tired but decided to stay up and cheer her on and she won - well done Sam!
The following day we relaxed by the pool and booked our Cape Tribulation tour for the following day - me Dave and the three girls (Daisy, Becky and Amy). It was an early start and a long drive but we passed 'Bailey's creek' and 'Yorkie's knob'! ha, we started with our rainforest walk and saw butterflies, spiders and certain trees and plants - this is also where we was told true travellers don't just take pictures but want to experience everything and therefore we was talked into licking an ants arse! (Just incase any of you think about copying make sure its a green ant!) its meant to give a tangy taste - which i suppose it did, still gross tho! After that we went for lunch and stopped at Cape Tribulation beach for some pics - not as good as some of the beaches we had already been too - but did have a sign saying watch out for dugongs but unfortunately no sightings :-( After lunch we went to Mossman Gorge and had a swim, Dave, Amy and Daisy went down the rapids, but me and Becky decided to play it safe and watched from the safety of the rock! After some pics and another uncucessful attempt at swimming up- river we headed for Port Douglas, our tour guide didn't seem to like Port Doug so didn't really say much about it apart from its for snobs e.g Paris Hilton visited recently and Barrack Obama is planning on spending his only two weeks holiday this year there, oh and its also where the guy who invented the crossword is buried?! So we had a little mooch but mostly just bought a birthday cake for our little friend Mike! On route home we stopped at a lookout point which is where the true storey of Open Water happened as well as the place where Steve Irwin died :-(
The following day it was Mike's b-day so we all went down the lagoon for a BBQ to celebrate, Mike was still hung-over from the night before but still managed to enjoy Dave's and the boys cooking.
The next day we spent chilling (again) by the lagoon this time but had our girly/boys night planned for that evening - us girls went to cinema - yay!!!! we went to see the Lovely Bones then onto Peter Andre's brother's restaurant for dinner, three of the brothers own it and mentioned Pete straight away, some of the girls wanted to start asking questions about Jordan etc much to my horror but they settled for a photo (which was still embarrassing but not as bad as it could have been considering what they wanted to ask!) Dave went with the boys for a chinese (no police called this time! ;-) then back to Gilligan's for the jelly competition. (Rach this was your b-day, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Miss you)
Then came the last night for the girls (Daisy and Becky) which was sad to see them go as they have been with us from the beginning :-( so to commiserate we went to........Nando's! I was disappointed as it wasn't free refills on the coke but the food was lush - Dave was again in his element and I think said 3 words all night!
Then came time for my last day/night, I spent the day getting sorted and then went out that night for a few strawberry daiquiris in Gilligan's, my bus left for the airport early the following morning and Dave was feeling a little worse for wear!
For those who are unaware I have decided to book onto the Aires rock tour through the outback then onto Melbourne which is costing a pretty penny, Dave's not to keen on the idea and has decided to stay in Cairns with the boys until we met again in Sydney ready for our flight to New Zealand. Ill updated my blog as usual but I think you might have to whistle for Dave to add an entry! ;-)
I have now arrived in Alice Springs - land of the flies!!! and am booked on for The Rock tour tomorrow, will update again once all finished.
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