We booked 4 nights in Bryon Bay and stayed in an 8 bed apartment with 4 beds (all bunk beds) in each room - on our first night the bus put on a VIP night for the Oz Exp customers at the party bar/club 'Cheeky Monkey's' across the road. We checked into our apartment and met our roomies - unfortunately due to it being the busiest time of year we couldn't get a dorm with our friends so was hoping that our roomies were nice as we all know how grumpy Dave can be when he gets woken up! One was really nice but the other seemed a little weird?
On our second day in Byron us girls booked a day trip to Nimbin which is a hippy town an hour or so away where hippies set up camp years ago and have never moved? Its now the 4th most visited place in New South Wales! We booked to go on a brightly coloured flower double decker bus and like the cool kids we are (chuckle) sat at the back of the bus! We arrived in Nimbin and had a look around - i managed not to get beaten up by looking at the weird people there and also refrained from buying the hash cookies that are almost force fed to you. We had some lunch and took a look around the most bizarre museum ever - they had a TV set up with a recording of when the town of Nimbin got raided and had mass arrests?! Also for you twilight lovers the main street in Nimbin is called 'Cullen Street'!! On route home we stopped at some lake so the stoners on the bus could have a little swim - entertaining as it was us girls didn't get in.
That night we met up with some other friends and all went to Cheeky Monkeys for a night out - and managed to catch the wet T'shirt competition - unfortunately all the english girls that entered were fat so they didn't win!
The following day we all spent the day at the beach - Dave and Becs (the bed hopper) went for a swim and the rip caught them but they eventually managed to get back - we chilled on the beach all day then when it got a bit cooler we all took a walk to the most easterly point of Oz - the day before when us girls went to Nimbin Dave took a walk there and saw loads of dolphins swimming metres from the surfers. That night Dave made us girlies his famous fajitas as a thank you for the pasta they had made us the night before (and Mum no i didn't cook but i did wash up for the girls and chop for Dave so i did my fair share!)
On our third night the 'wierd' guy sleeping on the bottom of Dave's bunk got carried in by two other people at 4.30 in the morning!! he then started to mess about and eventually got up only to get carried in again - he then messed about and got on the bed underneath me and knocked over the large fan - he then decided to get up for a third time and again got brought back in!! This time i said enough was enough and to shut the hell up - so he then finally fell asleep but about an hour later me and Dave were still trying - we must of dozed off only for the silly git to burp and fart at about 9 in the morning and wake me up again!!! Bearing in mind this guy hasn't been getting up until about 2 in the afternoon and me and Dave have been creeping around trying to make sure we don't wake him up!! Plus his feet STINK!!! well maybe not just he's feet - the smell was so bad the cleaner said 'oh you guys are in the smelly room - you might want to think about moving'!! The following day he didn't apologise and came in pissed again so i said there was to be none of that crap that he'd pulled the night before but he was already too far gone to care and came in again and decided to snort loads of drugs in the bathroom! nice - but at least he didn't wake us up!
However once scorned!! so we decided to show him a lesson so on our last morning - dave threw one of his trainers and one of his flips flops on the roof, he hid he's mobile charger and his earphones but i settled for pouring milk into his orange juice (which he's been drinking out of a non see through container he kept by his bed since the day we arrived'!!!) So i was satisfied with my revenge!!
We have now left and have arrived in Surfers Paradise - so far so good and off on a bar crawl tonight. We are booked in here for two nights then head off to Noosa so will update again from there.
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