Hi everyone still in Vegas cant believe how quick the time has gone we love it here feels like home now!
After my parents left we went to meet some guys we had met the night before in the Irish bar we had a great laugh with them, they had invited us to go and stay with them in their home town Tuscan but after we checked the flight it would be too expensive. We headed back to the hostel they were cooking a thanksgiving meal but we had all ready had one that day so were glad that it had all gone when we arrived back there! Had a laugh with the staff and guests that night, the hostel is just past the end of the strip as you hit downtown las vegas, there are three wedding chapels next to us one a drive through, one a themed where Elvis marries you and the other just costs 40 dollars to get married!
Most of the hotels on the strip are quiet in the week and we found out that they drop their prices Sun - Thursday then bump them up at weekend which is their busy period so we decided to check if we could get a good deal with one of them, we managed to get a 21 dollar a night room at Circus Circus so booked that and checked in there Sun - Mon this was cheaper than we were paying at the hostel! Circus Circus is huge loads of separate buildings and even a 25 ride theme park on the 2nd floor! Really enjoyed circus circus it was great they have the acrobats and trapeeze artists shows overhead while gaming. We had met two australians at the hostel who were hiring a car to go to the Grand Canyon and they invited us along with them and we shard the cost of the car and petrol for the day. The Grand Canyon is 277 miles long and ranges from 4 to 18 meters width which is huge. On the way we stopped at another tourist hot spot Hoover Dam you can buy helicopter rides that fly you through the dam it is a power generating site and the largest concrete building ever built! When you arrive at the Grand Canyon you buy your tickets and then transfer to the bus tour which takes you to three sections of the canyon, the views really are spectacular. There is a glass sykwalk you can as pay extra and walk across we but decided not to do this, got some amazing photos and had a great day the weather once again was fantastic which is great considering the time of year it is! That night we went out to the casinos with the australians won 35 dollars which is not bad off a 1 dollar bet! We then went for the special midnight "steak and eggs" there is always a huge que at midnight as its in a really nice restaurant but its only 6 dollars!
We then checked back into the hostel for the weekend and we were seeing Morrissey at the Hard Rock Hotel it is only a small venue holds about 4000 people and it was not sold out. Sat on the 1 cent machine for a while taking advantage of the complimentary drinks! Had a really great night met some local morrissey fans from Vegas and got some great photos too! Next night the hostel had arranged a limo tour Joe did not fancy as it was quite expensive and the drinks in the club after were super expensive, the limo drives up and down the strip with champagne then take you to a club we went to one called Voodoo it is a roof top club with the dancefloor outside overlooking the strip, we did not stay long but we had a wicked time.
We were trying to decide where we would go from Vegas and we check the buses, trains and planes the flights are becoming quite expensive just the time of year I think with christmas coming. We decided as we were having such a great time here in Vegas we would stay another week we thought well why not there is so much to see and do and it is still good weather and we are getting such good deals on rooms etc. So we checked back into Circus Circus for the Sun - Thursday deal we were becoming regulars there now. We joined the players clubs in the hotels which give you loads of money off stuff and free money to play in the machines with, we watched some of the free shows that the hotels have to offer. One night we gambled on the virtual Texas holdem again and won 80 dollar from a 5 dollar bill! We got tickets to see Carrott Top a comedian that was playing at the Luxor hotel he was so hilarious he uses lots of different props that he has made especially for his act. The rodeo was also in town and the whole place was filled with cowboys everywhere!
We then checked back into SinCity for the weekend and looked again at flights some were cheap but then to move on to New York was really expensive. Anyway we have ended up booking a flight straight to New York we leave tomorrow (tuesday) it only cost 99 dollars so we snapped it up as we will be able to do trips and tours once we land in New York. I think it was snowing there last week not sure if it is now, we have checked into a hostel will be staying in a dorm room with 10 others as the rooms are so expensive this time of year, the hostel look really nice though so we will keep you updated. So we will be in New York for christmas I have contacted the Salvation Army and am in the process of trying to sort out us working feeding the homeless on christmas day which will be great if we can!
So this has been our last few days in Vegas met some really great people we will be keeping in touch with and have had such fun here. Tonight we are heading to Freemont Street the old vegas to see the lightshow then for a meal with some of the people we have met.
So we fly at 11am tomorrow think its a 5 hour flight and we will update once we have been in New York a few days. Hope everyone back at home is well and looking forward to christmas and new year. Take care love Gem & Joexx
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