About HANS
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Alene navnet emmer af finkultur: Deutsches National Theater i hjertet af Weimar. Men det er en facade. En stor Mercedes, der bare skal vises frem.
Mens der udefra er store forventninger til byen som selve symbolet på tysk ånds- og kulturliv, er 95 procent af indbyggerne almindelige mennesker, der ligeså…
My first kick was a trip to the German Democratic Republic in March 1984. Though East Germany was only a few ours away from my home country, Denmark, it was a world out of space. A few months later I went on my first Inter Rail-Trip through Europa to Yugoslavia, Italiy, Switzerland and Austria. From that time on...
• Sweden (1981).
• England (1982).
• East Germany (1984).
• Greece (1984).
• Yugoslavia, Italiy, Switzerland and Austria (1984).
• Sweden, F…
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Höganäs Municipality, Sweden

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Vienna, Austria

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Schwerin, Germany

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Slupsk, Poland

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Sopot, Poland
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Jhosua Hej!:)Jag skriver som alla andra...Du och din blogg ger mig se5 myekct inspiration, e4ven om jag inte e4r helt vit, se5 har Du se5 himla fina och roliga ide9er som e4r le4tta att ta till sig och alltid vackra bilder att titta pe5. Inte minst, se5 blir jag alltid pe5 ett gott humf6r ne4r jag le4ser.Se5g ockse5 att Du e4lskar kaffe!...det e4r klart, att det ockse5 har betydelse ;)Vilka underbara priser du lottar ut!!! jag fe5r ve4l sitta he4r och he5lla tummen de5, e4nda till... ne4r e4r deadline??Ha en toppendag Du ockse5!kram lisamaja
re: Kreta 2012Parmanand , What the Americans are telling by their act is that clidhren belong to all of us. Therefore as the are helping us, we must also help each other I took several photos for you all to view later. In the end, they say that they cannot wait to have you all here and thank you in person.Love from Bko, MaliWague
re: RomaniaNegra Mr.Gulliver's Speech at the end..where tellsoff the two kings and their pepole about the foolishnessof fighting over a sing is more meaningful than Disney's Crap!
re: BaliNuresty Oh... I thought this was where I was at (mid-level blues), but I reeaizld it's not really my struggle. I've been studying for 4 and a 1/2 years and am pass t...
re: HungarySzymon I agree completely with this from exenriepce. My parents are Brazilian immigrants and I've grown up learning Portuguese and have traveled there to visit rela...
re: QueenslandThoeun Well being male I've never used anything like that but it's now on my shnppiog list. This whole natural thing has a lot more to it than most people realize if you took the ingredients list from your typical soap and did research on every one of the items' effect on your body, you'd be appalled. My orthodontist in Melbourne Florida may keep my smile going, but your Kaia Naturals sound like the way to go for the ladies in my life thanks. orthodontist melbourne fl recently posted..Orthodontist Melbourne Fl
re: Bromo VolcanoMartins - Amazing pictures AND stlinyg Sarah! Watch out J Crew.PS I noticed Dani Brubaker was a photographer you love she shot Will the last time he was on the crewcuts website
re: WeiligamaJames That's really thnkinig at a high level
re: PositanoMohammedhishamtv hi. just stopping by to see how much csleor you are to your dream. i know it must be hard and slow-going to you right now, but you'll make it happen! one of my favorite blogs is raamdev.com he's doing EXACTLY what you're trying to do, only he's well into it. but he takes you thru his process step-by-step, including how to sell something in 6 hrs. it's how he sold his truck. i thought of you and how much trouble you're having selling your jeep and that it's pretty much the only thing standing in your way . anyhow, do check him out if you haven't already. he's wonderful, and totally inspiring. who knows, maybe you'll cross paths someday!!! to start just click on about at his site and read the entries in order at the bottom to see how he began.best of luck to you, as always! tj
re: KeralaPaty Dear Perama Tour, Please kindly acdive your office phone no? I would like to know about how to arrange ferry ticket from Labuanbajo to Lombok, depart from Labuanbajo on 25 May 09 for 2 persons? how much the price tickets for 2 persons? please kindly acdive me soon.Thanks & regards,Dewi
re: LombokOlusegun Umm does the wakeboarding hpaepn in the same river as the big toothed critter spottings? If so, I'm out. I'm a huge wimp when it comes to that!You have to give the boy credit for trying, but yeah, I can see how that is a rather iffy situation. And you did get to hold a crocodile!
re: BentotaAnil Bare Sc5 FEDT!!! :-)He he, dejligt at du koemmr den 18, men det gf8r jeg bare ikke.... er blevet inviteret i sommerhus med scrappigerne, og det kan jeg ikke sige nej til ;-))
re: CzechoslovakiaYuki Hi mrs paradine I meant Madiba i wrote it but i think it did not come up also i found a bit more info of what hpaepned in Jo'Burg they used to betray the non-white people when they were on the buses and the non-white people had to get off for the white people.
re: MoscowVishwanath Hi Miss Gill how are you and where are you going to after urguay could you find out for Atif and Junaid what is the roiegiln for us have a safe journey and have a good time.
re: Great Barrier ReefLeandro Slow smoked BBQ ribs with Slaw (poppy seed dnessirg), Potato Salad and Cornbread w/jalapef1os served with an ice cold Yuengling.
re: Romania