Had an amazing last week or so since the last update. We had a few days out sailing around the Whitsundays, was amazing!! We were sailing on an ex world chapion maxi yacht called boomerang!! We got to get involved with the sailing, getting the sails up and sitting on the edge when the yacht tipped to the side. We tried to have a little race with another yacht but they were a lot smaller than us and we didn't have much wind. We stopped near Whitehaven beach for the night so that it was easy to get to in the morning. Spent the evening sitting up on deck having dinner and some drinks. In the morning we went over to Whitehaven beach which was lush. White white sand and blue sea. Unfortunately it rained a bit when we were at the lookout but it cleared up when we went down for a bit of a swim and a sunbath. Later on we went to another reef to go snorkelling. It was rerally good but it started rainign, was like a tropical storm!! Was so funny as you didn't realise when under the water but when you came up could barely see anything through the rain!!! We didn't stay out too long as it got a bit cold. We spent another evening out drinking on the deck and had a bit of a party going, dancing around with some drinks! Was really good fun! Was a bit of a shame the next day to have to head back to mainland but we did some speedy sailing which made it lots of fun!
We stayed that night at Airlie Beach and had a big group night out. We went for dinner and had some drinks and a lot of us went on to a club. Was a really good night but then one of our group fell over and looked like he had broken his ankle so had to be sent off to hospital!!! Luckily the next morning they let him out and he appeared hobbling on crutches!! We had a long driving day that day until we got to Rockhampton where we went out to watch a rodeo which was quite fun. SOme of the boys were only about 8years old though but were still pretty good at it!!
The next day we were off to Fraser Island for 2 nights... (running out of time now so will finish this update sometime soon...)
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