Today we washed our clothes in the sun. We had to hand wash. We hung our clothes on a line at the front if ghe house. It was a warm sunny day and we went to a little beach. The beach had pebbles instead of sand. There were lots of little fish in the water. We are going to buy a net to try to catch them. There was a little crab that Dad tried to catch but he kept running away. Dad caught him when he went on land. Lily swam in the sea but it was too cold for me. We had fish for lunch. Mum's Uncle cooked it on an outside fire. The fish was very yummy and I ate the most. We went to my cousins house for dinner. We had pancakes with cheese and sugar. They were different but I liked them. My cousin's have 9 cats at their house. 3 baby cats which are cute. My favorite was the white and black one.
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