Today we left Linari and headed for Ancona to take the Ferry across to Croatia. We drove to Perugia from Linari. Dad lived in Perugia 16 years ago. He studied at the 'Universita Per Stranieri' - University for Foreigners'. He was excited to return. He showed us the Uni, where he lived and the small cobblestone streets. We only stayed a very short while. We drove from Perugia to Ancona through some mountain ranges. We couldn't go too fast. We arrived in Ancona at 5pm. We booked ourselves and our car on an overnight Ferry. We were lucky there was room, they say you should book in advance. We went to a supermarket in Ancona to get some food and we were lucky to find our way back to the ferry to board at 630 pm. It can be hard driving in the towns without getting lost. Mum and Dad keep saying they should have bought a GPS! I met some kids from New Zealand on the Ferry and we played some games before I went to sleep on the floor next to Dad. He was tired from driving so he was 1st to go to sleep. We used the thin blankets that we kept from the aeroplane on the way over to keep warm. We had dinner on the ferry. I had pasta. We arrive in Split - Croatia at 7 am. It is 530am now.
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