Howdie Peeps! Hows things?
Well...long time no speak so firstly apologies. Anyway...what have i been up to you may well ask. Well let me enlighten you!
After the safari Dawn the Prawn and I were in desperate need of some sleep, we were dropped back off at that delightful little backpackers with the killer sofa bugs to find that the afforementioned sofas had been thrown into the swimming pool - hmmmm, I hope it wasnt something i said!! Anyway - not wanting to risk it, despite being ridiulously hot, I decided to spend most of my time in a long sleeved hooded top to shield my arms - luckily it seemed to work!
Aftera good nights sleep we headed on our final baz bus journey to Jo'burg... some 6 hours later, after a rollercoaster of a ride (the joys of being on the bumpy backseat of the bus...driving through a pot hole ridden country!) we arrived! All the hostels in Jo'burg look like fort knocks, which is reassuring! Our hostel seemed ok, we were in an 18 bed dorm, but luckily there was only 2 others in there. Just vegged out that first night. Woke at 8am to the sight of a naked man... yes some french backpacker seemed to think it was perfectly acceptable to strip in the dorm...luckily it was just his bum, but still! Dawn and i just looked at each other, laughed - then rolled over to face the wall. Not the best start to the day!
Its not safe to walk around Jo'burg - even the locals dont... pretty scary place with a lot of crime and car jacking so you have to take taxi's everywhere, making it muchos expensive! Good job we werent there long! Chose to spend our final day in S.A (and dawns last day of travelling) at a museum about Apartheid (forced segregation between the races which happened in South Africa, ending in the mid 90's). Really good museum, but not the most fun way to spend your last day - we were in there over 3 hours and it was very depressing . Interesting though, and came away learning a lot more about the politics of the country and what the people went through. Learnt a lot more about Nelson Mandela too which was interesting. Only wish we could have been to Robben Island now (were mandela was imprisoned for part of his 27 yr sentence) to complete the story. Anyway...
Dawn and I treated ourselves to a breakfast out on our last day - delicious! A toasted bacon and egg croissant. We couldnt eat all of it so had to save it for later ... a nice little airport snack! Packed up our stuff and headed to airport mid afternoon. Dawns flight was a couple of hours later than mine so i checked in before her...we said goodbye and i headed through to departures. GOD - that was sooo traumatic I was balling my eyes out. We were hoping to meet up again through in departures, but thought we ought to say goodbye just in case. Cried sooo much thought i was going to be ill (prob didnt help that id scoffed a couple of biccies 10 mins before!). After all that we met up again in departures and then had to go through the whole thing again. Got on the plane and was sat next to some old man who was looking at me like i was some kind of wierdo as i was practically howling i was crying that much. He didnt even ask if i was alright... how rude!
Anyhoo... am now in Perth, western australia. Its boiling hot and the pace of life is compleeeetley different to S.A. It no longer seems acceptable to walk around looking like s***... even wasnt allowed in a bar because I had flip flops (or thongs as they cal them here) on...nice ones id like to add not plastic ones. I had to go home and change into my wedges. After a month of living in flat shoes i had a few stumbles ....(nothing to do with the wine i was drinking of course!).
Must admit it feels wierd without Dawnie - missing you like crazy sis! Being by yourself you kind of feel a bit desperate to make friends and like you're being on your best behaviour trying to get people to like you ... its a tiring sport!
Have settled in a bit more now though, and am sharing a room with 3 boys who are really friendly. Went out on sat night with Kieron (one of the lads from my room) and his mates... did a bit of a bar crawl around the city which was fun. Headed to the beach with the boys yesterday afternoon...was sooo nice to be on the beach as Dawn and I didnt really get a chance to go when we were in S.A, apart from the one time in Coffee bay. Went out last night with the couple Dawn and I met in S.A on our safari, as they arrived in Perth on Sat. It was really wierd seeing them here. Was nice to catch up and hopefully we'll meet up again on the east coast.
Anyway - that about brings us up to date. Am staying in Perth until Fri morning, when i then head off on a 10 day tour of the west coast up to Broome. I cant wait! Its an all inclusive trip visiting all the sites, there should be about 20 people on the bus so fingers crossed i get a good bunch of people to hang around with.
Missing you all! Benson Family - was a pleasure speaking to you yesterday ... only wish i hadnt called just as you were tucking into your Sunday Dinner ... damn Mum, im missing those!
I'll try and upload pics soon. Not really taken any in Oz yet tho!
Love ya!
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