Island of Uros tribe are unique and amazing place. Uros built floating island on Titikaka lake from totora plant. The island have 2 m thick base and such island last for 10-15 years. After that they have to build a new one and move. It takes ca 1 year to build a new island. Each island is inhebited by 10-15 people, one family. They use totora to build their houses and boats as well. Approximately 2000 people live this way. We were on 2 of such islands, got a ride on a boat and could see their way of living and houses from inside. The afternoon trip was to Sillustani. It was a burial place of nobel people of local culture from 800 BC until Inka time. The thombs are towers up to 12m high made of stone. Some pictures from Puno and area around is included in last album.
we are travelling to Cusco tomorrow, the capital of Inka empire. The most interesting part of trip starts. I am very excited.
By the way, after one week in altitude over 3600 m above see level I see some progress. We can get to 3rd floor without being short of breath and no more headaches. Butwalking up hill is still a challenging and slow and with heavy breating. I should have trained more.......
- comments
Peter Hajas Šťasnú cestu do Cusca. Vďaka za zaujímavé fotografie. Ten čln a kopa je asi cukrová trstina - myslím. Z fotky som vyrozumel, že ti moc nechutila. Vyprážaná je žaba, alebo aké stvorenie? Ak to jedia domáci, tak to musí byť dobré. No nie? Tu včera snežilo a dnes prší pri teplote -2 st.C. Stromy sú ako zo skla. Presne tak bolo v Moskve pred dvoma romkmi, keď som tam prišiel. Boh opatruj toho, čo musí sadnúť do auta. Ahooooooooojte----
Jana Nie je to cukrova trstina ale totora rastlina. Chuti normalne. Je to pre nich zdroj karbohydratov, ako zemiak. Ziadna zaba ale morca. Tie co u nas deti chovaju doma pre zabavu.
Tereza Ahoj Janka, tu je Tereza z Kalifornie. Vovala som z Puzikou tak mi dala tvoj blog Musim prestudovat. Zelam vam lahkyt vystup na Machu. To musi byt velmi krasne tam. Uzite si ten vylet. Ja by som tiez isla, ale uz som asi na to stara. Uz by som s dychom nevladala a tiea nie som v dombrej kondicke. Vela uspechov vam zelam.