So the real business started. Today morning, flight to Amsterdam delayed 1.5 hour (said due to snow but you can guess what I think about it) and I missed flights to Lima and La Paz. I got new flight for sunday departing 11:35 to Panama, then to Bogota and then to La Paz with arrival 17. dec. 02:53. Pure hapiness how it started. But I got cosy and warm hotel room with spacious bath, dinner voucher and if I had been handed a cup of coffee at transfer desk I would not have be far away to think "never mind, its pleasure to be once more delayed by KLM and staying in yout tulip town". If you remember my trip from Rome, it was by KLM that offered me the joy to wait in airport ekstra 10 hours. I hope that by small steps I will get to the destination before I will have to travel back. I wonder if Jorge managed his flight...
Lietadlo z Osla do Amsterdamu zmeskalo 1.5 hodiny. A tak som nestihla let do Limi a La PAz. Nova letenka ja na nedelu o 11:35 z Amsterdamu . V La Paz bude 17. dec. 02:53. Doostala som pekny hotel a veceru tak nehladujem hehe. Dumam, ci Jorge stihol svoj let.
- comments
Leda Moxnes Hi Jana. Take it easy and enjoy the whole experience :-) I hope you get there soon. Have fun and good lucky:-)
Jana Thanks Leda. New day, new chances. I am in better mood today so I decided to comment the "survival package"with toaletries I got from KLM. It contains toothbrush, toothpaste and some other cosmetics andt T-shirt and a pair of socks too. I was surprised how far KLM has come in their thoughts in customer care. But it brought me to think if the pacjage is optimal and if anything is missing. I realised that underwear is missing in it. I wonder if they thing that it is unimportant or if it is difficult to find unisex shape and size that would fit to everybody, from a chinese women to a tall tyrolian beer based chap. I I decided to confront Jorge about his "survival package"from Lufthansa and competition whose package is better. I wonder what he got and might fit to my needs in exchange for a razor blade I got.
Peter Hajas Tak šťastný let cez oceán a aby ste sa s Jorjem nehľadali dlho. Zabudolsom - srdečne ho pozdravujem a nech sa o teba patrične stará. Špatný začiatok - dobrý koniec. Včera od rána na rádiu a i večer v TV bolo o Inkoch a juhoamerických predkoch. Je neuveritelné, že v dobe keď sa v Eur´pe začali stavať kamenné domy, Mayovia mali presne spočítanú obežnú dráhu Venuše. Vykopávka vedú Slováci na ich posvätných miestach. Naši tam teda majú obrovský rešpekt, ak im to dovolili. Ako Filan povedal, "predstavme si, že by sme my dovolili cudzincom kopať na Devíne".Aj Ti závidím., ale všetci čo ťa majú radi tak trochu aj tŕpnu, aby si sa v poriadku vrátila. Tak veľa šťastia na zvyšku cesty.
Mária Hajasová Moja zlatá, dúfam, že šťastne doletíš a získaš nové zážitky a skusenosti.Budem na Teba stále myslieť a želať si Tvoj šťastný návrat. Bozkavam Ťa.
Eirin Kalstø God tur Jana, og GOD JUL!
Michal No nic, jana Dzana. pekne zaber a stihni to dalsie lietadlo. Inak ten balicek som dostal aj ja tusim tiez od KLM. Trencle nedali. Asi neni ziadny unisex. ludia su rozni. pochybujem ze to co by bolo dobre vietnamke by pasovalo mne a naopak. To tak vela stastia dalej prajeme....