I Woke up quite late this morning I think the drive wore me out. We went and had lunch with Cam and sophie. After lunch sophie let us go on her quad bikes around the farm it was excellent we had a quad bike each. We then went Maroon fishing, for anyone that dosen't know a Maron is like a lobster but black. We went out on the speed boat and put nets out in the middle of her lake. We also put bird seed around the edge of the lake the plan was to come back at about 11pm and scoop them up with a net. We went back to the house and Jo and me cooked Sophie and Cam dinner and we obviously cracked open a bottle of her days finest. Apparently we are only allowed to open no older than 1996!!!? 4 bottles later I was pretty drunk and it was maroning time. We went out to the lake, we only caught one we've named him Timothy. We came back and put him in the freezer apparently it's the most humane way to kill them. xxxxx
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