Great to hear from you, I have really missed seeing all the photos. New Zealand sounds great and the sky dive must have been amazing, I'd love to have a go at that.
Take care babe, speak to you soon.
Soon be Christmas - hope you are still doing what you do best, travelling, enjoying the scenery and posing! The dorms look very luxurious! xx MFB
Poncho's lookin good! Tasmania looks lovely,that metal bridge isnt that the one in celebrity get me out of here!!! I was sure i never you on the tv!!
Miss ya Poodle! When you home?
Keep having fun, and enjoying it all. See ya soon in new picsxx
I hope you move on soon we need some more photos,where have they gone,miss you xx and one hairy one from jessiex
Hi. Are you ok? You haven't posted for a while and I am a bit concerned.
sydney looks really beautiful,i looked at your photos for today,it seems strange that i can see what you wore today! u look really well,enjoy yourself,not too much we want you back!!! xx
I wish you had let me know about the accident - thank God you are ok. It looks like you are having a fantastic time. Be safe xx
Hey hun, glad u celebrated yr bday with some champers, no need to change a habit of a lifetime.
Oi, be more careful I need you back in one piece for the wedding xx
Keep having fun, chat soon xx
Poodle, I hope youre all ok after that crash, bet you was screaming like a b****! I cant believe how bad that was
Hope you a good birthday though. Lots a love xx
Glad you had a good birthday, free champagne all night - thats a result!!! it was lovely to actually speak to you on the phone. I'll call again soon.
Sian Mani
hiya amy hope you had a good birthday its mine tomorrow and we went to blackpool yesterday at home drinking champange and all the trimmings glad you are enjoying it be safe love you loads bye the way we are smashed xxxxxx