Grant's latest entry
Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
After a sleepless night chasing mice we were up at 4.30am to make the long drive into Malawi. Stopping at the border to exchange our monies for the local Kwatcha, our guide told us the most favourable exchange rates would be on the black market and invited a vendor he'd used before onto the bus. Prepared for some dodgy dealings, we were bu…
K. I. T. T Mmmm... Dirty knickers...
re: Shinjuku, JapanClaire Still waiting for that piccie... x
re: Port Elizabeth, South AfricaJayne Great blogs,gave us all a laugh. picture of haircut ??
re: Port Elizabeth, South AfricaRocky Balboa loving the caves...
re: DSCF2437Grant I did...check out the brain photo, one of em's his...
re: DSCF2216Grant Fraid so sis!
re: DSCF2237Grant That one cost extra...
re: DSCF2231Grant Come and join us...we'll be in Japan in a few days!
re: Beijing, China