G R On Tour
Mumbai (15th - 18th June)
After the 20 hour train journey the last thing you need is for the taxi from the station to the hotel to try to pull a scam and guess what? yep you've got it. Ok it was a 5km taxi ride and we agreed on about 600 rupees before we got in, which was reasonable. When we got there he said 650, we were in no mood to argue so we gave him it (500, 100 and a 50 note) and the b***** tried to tell us we didn't give him the 500 and it was another 100. He caught us on a bad day, no way was he getting anymore money out of us. After a 5min argument he eventually left with the original 650. At this time it was 7am so we were both knackered as had hardly any sleep so just wanted to get to bed. So not the best start to a new city.
Mumbai is fantastic, both of our favourites thus far. We went on a huge walk around the city which took in many sights, india gate, the harbour, chowpatty beach, mumbai university, art museums, fountains, churches etc etc (must have been at least 10km!) The pictures will be far better than trying to describe them. We had our first seafood meal and it was gorgeous, a fitting end to probably our best day in India. We changed hotels on our second day as the first was a complete dive and so overpriced, to a place right next door to a decent bar/cafe (Leopolds to those who have been here). It's a welcoming sight when you go into a bar (yes the first one in nearly 4 weeks!!) and there are many western faces.
Its a shame we have to move on tomorrow as we both really like it here and we're not to sure of what to expect of goa at this time of year as a lot of people have been saying its closed up due to the monsoon but we'll have to see. Mumbai was supposedly flooded and in the monsoon according to the locals in previous cities...its rained for about half an hour while we've been here so who knows...
This internet session has turned into a bloody epic one and we hope you're not all as bored reading these journals as we are now after writing them all. We'll try not to leave it as long next time and we'll get the photos on in a few days when we're down in goa. Its only a 12 hour train journey tomorrow so should feel like a stroll in the park compared to the last one.
Hope you're all well and having fun in good old blighty
Take care
Gray & Rors
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