Hi all, Not really much new since I last wrote. Dont know where the week has gone really! Georgie and I went to the Natural History Musuem on Monday - its huge! They have a big Blue Whale there but we wouldnt see it becuase it was getting dusted apparently. Still havent managed to see the palace or big ben and I havent been on the London Eye - maybe do that this weekend. I dont think Amy has done those things either so maybe to them together. The weather hasnt really been great, rain every day and overcast. Not too cold so thats ok. Going to look at a van to buy tonight with Anton. Looks like Im going to be the only girl on this van tour! Hope the boys arent mean to me! Could be hard work. At this stage its going to be Dean, Anton, Gregor, Myself then Jason Price and two of his army mates are joining us for 6 weeks too. Should be interesting! That doesnt start until the end of June so plenty of time to prepare. Gregor has been working this week finally. Dont think he really has much to report, same ol every day I gather. Hope everyone is good at home and keep the emails up! :) Â
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