Hi Everyone. Had a good trip over, feels like days ago now. Great movie selection on the plane so that kept Gregor enterntained all the way over!
Arrived at 11am on Tuesday and Dean picked us up from the airport and then I had my first experience on the tubes! Dean sure knows his way around so no wasted time there. We caught up with Amy, Shere, Anton and Dean at a pub in Fulham called the Slug and Lettuce, they have crazy names for pubs over here! Was a pretty quiet night as Gregor was pretty much falling asleep in the bar. Home by 9.30 which was good. Stayed at Amys the night. Her flat is really nice too.
On Wednesday we went to Oxford Street to get our bank cards so got all that sorted now which is great. Went to Paddington to get our train tickets for newton abbot,�used the loo there and its 20p! Which is fine because they were lovely and clean! Bit different to the African toilets�I've experienced.�We were on our train at 2.00pm and waited for about half and hour then they cancelled it! There was another one an hour later so that was ok, but it was really full and we were lucky to even get a seat. Pleased we did cos it was three hours down here. When we arrived at� Newton Abbot we asked the taxi driver to take up to backpackers, but there are none as its a 'farmer town'. So hence why we came here to Torquay. Really nice town on the coast. Only one backpackers here and its pretty average. For those of you that remember Barry that gregor used to live in Winton with, he is here working for the same guy that Gregor is! Man its a small world! Barry came down today to pick Gregor up. Had a bit of a laugh, the main street here is a one way, and good ol Bazza drove up it the wrong way! s*** it was funny! All these buses were coming down torwards us and Barry had to weave round them. That was the only way we knew how to get to our backpackers so that was the way we went! Only do that once I think.
Gregor and Barry have left now so its just little ol me on my own in this town. The lady at the backpackers has offered me a few hours a day work for free board so might take that up and am finding out tomorrow wether the pub we have been to�a couple of times will employ me as a casual. Its called the Hogs Head, wee bit like the Loaded Hog in Qtown.
Keep the emails up please as I might get lonely here on my own, hope to make some friends soon though!
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