Hiya. Arrived in Aberdeen safely. Flight was really good and Grace was brill. We were sitting near the back of the plane and Jordan dropped her bottle on the floor and the air crew found it in row one, That was some descent !!!! Hope you had a lovely time with Laurens family and enjoyed Newcastle. Had a look on Google and it looks really nice there. Really looking forward to your next message. Not much snow in Aberdeen but loads of the stuff in Braemar. All main roads to there are shut off so won't be visiting this time. Sending lots of love to you both. x x x x
Really sorry not posted in a week or so. Been a bit manic this end of the world.
I really glad you two having a great time. Really missing you both. Your photos look the nuts!!! Wishing we was with with you two, it just looks amazing where you are.
I am posting this message on Alan's laptop. I am currently in Auntie Annes living room chilling, only arrived here over an hour ago. Grace very much enjoyed her first time flying!!!....she was an angel, good as ever.
Keep the pic up, lovin it!!
Hope you both ok and enjoying yourselves as much as you seem to be. Lots of love, peace out.
Vic, Carl, Scarlett, Carlo N Jack
Hiya Boran and Egg (so affectionately named by Carlo)!Hope you got back to Newcastle okay?thank you so much for coming to visit us, it was a top evening!enjoy next week and remember if you need anything dont hesitate to ask!stay safe and keep in touch lots of love Vic, Carl and kidsxxxxx
Mum & Pops
Hi Greg & Lauren,
Great to hear from you both this morning. We'll have a look at Newcastle on Google to see where you are. The latest pic's are really good. Poor Daniel and Mitchell are soooo jealous. We are busy getting ready for our trip up to Aberdeen. Supergran has said she will send her very first e.mail message to you both when we get up there. I think this may take some time LOL.
The info you need is Jackie & Dougie d*** on. 4 Falkland Way. Kinross. WA 6028. Australia. Telephone 0061 89305 6989.
Have a lovely time visiting Laurens cousin. Good luck with the fruit picking. Sending lots of love to you both. x x x x
Little Jordan
Because we're oceans apart I know your gonna miss my b'day on Thursday but you'll have to cry me a river like I cried a river over you lol.
How r u getting on with the baby oil? You must be on your second bottle by now.
i gotta go now i feel a little bit wobbly lol
Glad your having a great time! Just been having a look through your photos and blogs, they're really good! You've got some great pics of Thailand do you think you'll go back there on the way home?
Sydney photos look good too although I was rather shocked to see the naked swimming photos in Coogee lol.
Its pouring down here at the moment. Have a nice relaxing week in the sun before your Oz intro trip.
Sophie xx
Mum And Dad
Hi kids - the photos are lovely - but what about the sharks!! Nice to hear that you may be seeing Vicky - give our love to her and the children if you go.
Pouring down with rain here and still cold!
Dad's sitting with his hat and coat on waiting by the phone to get a message to pick you up from Gatwick!
Have a good 'chill'
love mum and dad x x x
Mum And Dad
Hi my dears - the photos are great - I left a message after your blog but these don't attach here so sending again. Take care mum x x x
Dan 'pecs' Harrison
Hello Gregory & Laurence,
I'm at Nans at the moment stuffing my face with a Tuna, Mayo & Sweetcorn Jacket Potato and thought i'd say Hello.
Whats been happening recently: Well, yesterday was Grandad Willox's funeral which went well.Really nice service & they had Grandad's favorite songs playing throughout. We met people we haven't seen in 100's of years. Gregory - do u remember all of us going to a wedding about 17 years ago and me N u were busting some moves on the dance floor? It was Jerry's daughter's wedding when she was 21 - she was there yesterday so it was cool meeting them all again - It took 4 half hrs to get there and 5 half hrs on the way back.
My new job is going really well - the guy that started with me has already been sacked lol - laughing as it's his own fault because he just wasn't trying and is a nutter.
I'm still trying to get rid of my car :=( Looks as though i'll have to give it to a scrap-yard for £100-£150 so thats a major bummer.
I'm still taking Mitchellin to the Gym every Tuesday / Thursday & Saturday - He's actually put on some serious size now N is knocking on 13st's door :=) - Okay not quiet yet, but he has made some serious progress N if he sticks at it then i predict 12.5st by June when he goes Napa.
I'm loving my 'new' room :=) I have about 20 pillows and i spend just about any spare second i get in there watching all the films / Undisputed on the Xbox or snoozing :=)
I've had a look at your pics N they look the nutz. Bangkok looks great...looking forward to seeing some pics of Sydney.
Tonight Greg-son is UFC Wanderlai Silva VS BISSSSSSSPIIIIING!!!!!! - I can't wait for this one - it's going to be an ultimate slugfest N i have my bets on Bisping winning this by Unanimous Decision..what ya reckon? Mitch is going out tonight in London to his m8's Uni so i'll be having a UFC night on my lonesome :=(
Right, im outa this joint. I am now going to go food shopping and then gym :=)
Cya later D-Peeps
Auntie Ann, Daniel & Alan
Hi guys,
Hope you are both enjoying the start of your travels. Heard lots about it from Diane. Bangkok pictures look really good. Look forward to seeing more whilst on your travels.
We have your mum n pete and co coming up next weekend so expect to hear more from us then.
Take care and have fun!
Mum & Pops
Photos are really great. Bangkok looks fantastic. Can see why you love it so much. Looking forward to seeing the next batch of pic's.
Saturday afternoon 2.35pm and Jordan has not long picked up Grace. We have had her since Thursday evening and she was an angel. Yesterday Nan and I went to visit Peggy and Eddie ( who say hi to you both ) and today Pops and I were out with her at 9.30am. She's had so much fresh air she fell asleep as soon as we got back in. My fault I love walking with the buggy. Jordan and Leanne off to get Grace some new clothes today as she's growing out of everything so fast. I think they are going to Clarks to get her feet fitted for her first shoes. We're looking forward to going to Aberdeen on Friday and seeing everyone. Have spoken to Daniel and Alan and told them about this site.