Ambleside, UK Nov 16, 2012 Off to Ambleside alone as Ian too busy. Cleared leaves in horrible damp, cold, misty weather. Not happy!!
Ambleside, UK Nov 4, 2012 Tidied everything up and headed off home after lunch. What a lovely half term! Sadly not really happy with the painting of the gate posts. Too damp and cold.
Ambleside, UK Nov 3, 2012 Met up with g and V and J and B. lovely meal at the Glass House. Always enjoy the food here and the company was excellent!!
Ambleside, UK Nov 2, 2012 C and co heading home after lunch for parties and to see A. Quiet day afterwards with a bit of shopping and a walk.
Ambleside, UK Nov 1, 2012 As birthday today. Sadly he is too busy working to be with us. Particularly busy time in the garden taking advantage of the really very good weather.