Hi Guys,
We have now settled into our new surroundings in Ecuador/Otavalo.
We are now living with our host family who are lovely. (The same family that Zoe and Greg stayed with when they were here - what a coincidence.)
Lindsey and I have now started our construction project.
First day
It rained and our builder had to go to a community meeting for two days. Instead we had to go into one of the schools and help the other volunteer teachers.
It was good to see the school and to spend time with the kids; good fun, although they can be very naughty!
The second day
Instead of stove building we had four hours of Spanish lessons. Our teachers took us on the bus to the local waterfall, where we crawled through a small cave and entered the back of the waterfall. We paddled up to a second waterfall, where Lindsey managed to lose her balance and fall in! It took her a few hours to dry off - luckily it was a sunny day.
Third Day
Today, Thursday, we officially started our building!
We helped to complete a guinea pig house for one of the indigenous families. Guinea pigs are very special here, they can tell when someone has a bad aura and they supposedly taste great!
The work was tough, but lots of fun too. We made lots of mess with the cement. We were the highest that we have been so far, at 4,300 metres, so we quickly got out of breath.
This afternoon we helped out some of the college children with their English homework .It was very hard. We struggled to find the answers and felt a bit useless but the kids were great and still said thanks!
Now we are just chilling at our home in Ecuador. Our family is very friendly and helpful. They are looking after us very well. They certainly know how to cook, we have been having massive portions! Potato soup with quinoa! yum
This weekend we are going to Mindo to do tubing down a river and to zip line through the Cloud Forest. Next weekend we will probably go to the beach with the other volunteers as we have a few days off due to public holiday!
Hope you are all well, and keeping yourselves warm! Thinking of you all,
Best wishes,
Graham and Lindsey
- comments
Jen Wow how funny you are staying with zo and greg's family. Sounds like you have settled in very well and are trying to make yourselves useful! Looking forward to the next blog Miss u both love jen