Graham's latest entry
Ko Lanta Yai, Thailand
Hi All
We are island hopping now in Thailand.
We had an issue at customs because they only gave Graham a two week entry despite all the hassel we had queuing at the Thailand Embassy in Kuala Lumpa!
The boat journey was interesting as we got soaked by the waves and then it started to rain and we had no cover. We were then transferre…
gaby es una playa extraordinaria muy hermosa es un paraisoo genialll
re: puerto lopez, EcuadorClairey Oh Lindsey, .. that looks SO horrible !!!! .. I bet you can't wait to come back home!!
re: Port StevensPhillipa I miss you guys, come back soon!!
re: PhillipaClarey Love this! so cute!
re: photo from 01 January 2011Pat Graham and Lindsey have a fantastic Christmas together - telll us how they do it in Peru ! Here it is all ice and snow - Looking forward to your next posting from the other side of the world xx Pat
re: Lima and onto Cusco...pat Linds and Graham - fantastic - am so amazed all I can see from my desk at WO is snow and ice in the trees I really love reading the blog - there is something out there! Keep safe and keep on having a brilliant time. xx also really miss our runs - I'm still lame but doing the physio - not that you'd want to run on ice - that is the state of the footpaths at the mo actually -
re: Lima and onto Cusco...pat Linds and Graham - fantastic - am so amazed all I can see from my desk at WO is snow and ice in the trees I really love reading the blog - there is something out there! Keep safe and keep on having a brilliant time. xx
re: Lima and onto Cusco...Debbie and Marnie Miss seeing you but sounds and looks as though you are having a ball! Carry on campingxxx
re: Camping updateDick Hi guys, fantastic trip, miss you both!! I am in Tenerife golfing. Very hot. I have now lost enough weight that I can get into the tee shirt you bought me from Egypt , with the camel on it!! I am wearing it today. Buckets of love Dad x
re: Camping updateJen Wow how funny you are staying with zo and greg's family. Sounds like you have settled in very well and are trying to make yourselves useful! Looking forward to the next blog Miss u both love jen
re: Volunteering - building chimneys!