Looks like your having fun the compost bin is full can you empty it
Hi Niks, forgot about your challenges you gave me thanks for reminding me - I'm such a nightmare! It's so wierd that your home now back in sleepy Okeford! Taupo is pretty sleepy at the moment too, leaving in the morning for Rotorua. Did Nat enjoy Fiji? I tried your Ozzy sim card in my phone here it doesnt work so prob wont work in Oz either will it? Will update you on what I have been up to on the website soon, this place closes soon so no can do today. Nice one about Festy! Take care of that jet lag, well get rid of it more like! You do sound v tired!!!
Hey Grace,
Just to ley you know the maddness has begun. I am now safely back at Mum's in the small, sleepy, rural village of Okeford Fitzpaine - "Arrrrr....Get Off My Land" counntry. See the crazyness has gone to my head already. Actually I'm going to blame it on the jet lag. Long b***** of a b****** flight home, spent 24 hours in the air flying, and about 13 hours hanging around at airports. Only 5 hours kip...but it all good. Sweet As Bro!!! Missing you hun, can't believe I am here and your still there (sounds likes a song lyric). Anyway must go and get some rest before I start completely losing it. The pets all remembered who I was and the family are all well. Feesty looking well also and she has had a bit of a make over, some of her rust has gone and she has been tarted up with new shiny body paint (disapointed it didn't come in glitter though) and new exhurst. Maybe I should go away more often. Pleased to be back but wish I was still in your boots and travelling. Back to reality!!!! Hope your still enjoying it and making progess on your little challenges, I can always think of more.
Love you
Hey Grace - Finally got round to checking out your website! Brings back memories seeing the big green bus!!! Haven't had time to check everything out - but from what I've seen it looks like you're having a great time! Told you so!!!! Leeson is very different without you. Have finally moved house after 3 weeks at my mum's - hence the lack of e-mail connection. Will e-mail all the gossip once I've time to sit down for longer than 5 minutes. At mo am sat on floor typing this as we have next to no furniture. Take care!!!
Hey Gracie!!
The photos look amazing, it's funny seeing someone else (you!) in exactly the same places I've stood - normally there were a few Israelis in tow in mine though ;o) ROMAIN ARRIVES NEXT WEEK! How excited am I? Have a great time in...Oz, now? This is the first time I've visited your website, i love it. You've overcome the blondness with panache and gusto. Until next time, Kez x
I'm back again already. I just read your postcard and am sorry to hear about your knee. I went to doctors with exactly the same problem about a month ago and I got some excercises to do. Just thought I'd warn u that I did them for about three weeks and my knee got worse and worse. It feels loadz better now I've stopped doing them and bought myself a support thingy. I hope they work 4 u but I would def recomend getting a support if u can. Speak 2 u soon x
Hiya! Only just looked at your piccies- they are amazing!! Do you know where you will be at Xmas yet? Really wanna send you some stuff if poss. Don't know if I told u but we're off 2 New York 4 Xmas courtesy of my Dad. Had 2 get new passports for every one- what a pain in the arse! All of your photos look amazing, wish we could just sell the house and the kids and travel for a year. Maybe one day I will persuade Simon, I reckon the kids are worth quite a lot now they're getting older. Any way, must go. Have a nice cold Bud waiting for me. Love ya!
Gurty And Ethel!
HI chick! Ethel and I have just been looking at your photos! They;re fab1 Cracked up at the ones you sent on email - you daft b*****! Ethel, cuthbert and I did a carboot today! It was freezing but funny! It reminded me of the one we did at Ashton Heath! We made a great big £38!
Will send you some more pics soon - just need to download them on to the computer. There's some funny ones of Ethel covered in paint - we had a craft afternoon!
Miss you baby - love you lots and lots!!!!!!!!!!1
Miss you honey, great photies!!!!!!! Forgot about the Teapots!!! xxxxx N
Just wanna say a big up to my mum who is a bit of an internet novice, for managing to write messages on here - go mum!!!!
Hey baby,
Glad to here you are having fun. you seem to have been non stop since you got there! I have been a bit manic lately. been training for this run. its on sunday! ahhhh. done a practice run after work yesterday and nearly got lost in the dark! typical me! Thanks for the e-mail. will reply properly asap. just been so manic with working at the pub and training. sooooo tired! didn't go to Kareoke so i could have a early night! how slack am i. Dont think i'd beable to keep up with all your antics and outings in my old age. well you take care sugar puff snd will catch up asap. Nice picci's. Like the ones of the forest particularly! love you.
Hi Grace hon. Just had alook at your photo's, well they are just amazing. Looks like your having an excellent time. Making me so very jealous. Takecare babe.