b**** am so jealous of your car its super cool!! pics are fad keep em coming love han x x x x
Hannah Snail
hey gracie girl thought it was about time i put a message on you board, so hear goes! haven't looked at your updated pics yet but will do that in a mo. hope your having a wicked time?! stupid question as i'm sure you are!
life here is ok stress as got exams and essay deadlines coming up all to quickly for my liking but not alot i can do about that apart from keep going. just keep think this time next week it'll nearly be over and then nice long xmas break!
went to party in brighton on the weekend it was very good, well what i saw of it anyway. did my usual trick and got very very pissed (drunk nearly litre of vodka) and after i'd been there only hour and half proceeded to passs out and woke up in some randoms bed (alone!) felt very rough the next day think i was still pissed for most of it!!! but met a guy who went to school with you his name was lewis. don't know his sirname but don't thibk there could of been too many lewis's around-do you remember him? he still lives in stur can't remember what he said he was doing enginerringi think. but anyway enough of that.
am still with graham (the farrier) all is going so wellam so happy and living on cloud 9 at the mo! think i might be staying at his over xmas so very exciting! are you going to be in one place for a while? if so send me an address so i can send you a christmas card. its great fun to recieve post whil you are away!!
that is about all for now so take care of yourself and speak soon
lots of love han x x x x
Hi Niks thats sooooo funny that Kirky was at Nat's party - how random! He is so funny isn't he! thats so funny about Oilver and your boobs - all babies do that don't worry - glad to hear you don't want to join the baby club! How's it going finding work? I am going to a market stall in Melbourne tomorrow - they might have a job for me! Must go, I am in global gossip and my god these places are pricey!!!!!! Speak soon babe xxxx
Hello Babe,
Just thought I would sit here and catch up on all your gossip, has taken me the best part of an hour just to get though the postcards and photo's, god girl you know how to write. All the same, great to hear from you and to hear all the excting things you have been getting up too. I loved the photo's with you and the beetle, I bet you will want one when you get back, I want to get a van because I miss Violet so much. Fiesta's are just not the same as they used to be. I went to Natalie's Mums 50th party the other day and who was there....Kirky. Found out that he works with Nat's mum for the council, it was a great laugh and I forgot just how funny he could be. Not sure if I told you that I went to see Jess, but I did and Oliver is the cutiest! Even made me feel broody for the whole of 2 seconds, but then I wouldn't be able to go travelling again so soon changed my mind. I gave him a little cuddle but soon passed him back to mum when he started to get a bit excited about my boobs, think he is still a bit too young to know the difference.
Missing you a lot at the moment Grace, think it is because I know you are having the time of your life and I'm having to stay put, still cant settle back into things. Never mind, save up for the next one.
I will try and call you soon, promise
Love Nikki
Have just spent an hour catching up on all your postcards and photos! Your pics r fab and your stories just crack me up sometimes! The oddities man has to be the funniest - I can just imagine it! Your beetle sound funny aswell - such a great memory for you to have though!
I'm going to The Clothes Show Live in Birmingham in 2 wks with Michelle. Can't wait - very girly affair, right up my street!
Bought my own boxing gloves today - i'm going to practice on Trev as our ceilings aren't strong enough 4 a punch bag! HaHa! Couldn't go last wednesday due to the snots! I still have them now. It's getting highly annoying!
Have you seen any spiders yet? I had a spider dream the other night. I 'woke up' convinced there was one in the bed so I lept out, ran round the bedroom, out on to the landing and stood there all hysterical untill I'd woken myself up properly and realised that I was being a pleb! obviously Trev was no help what so ever as he'd been out drinking and was as pissed as a fart!
Better go now really - everyone will think I've left home! That's obviously your fault for writing essays instead of postcards! oh, by the way, got your postcard yesterday - it's on the kitchen cupboard with the other one. I expect the whole thing to be covered by next summer!
Love you!
Grace - Message To Gurty!
Yes poor Gurty - colds are not good and I am sure worse if your baby has a cold! Bit shocked about the boxing - imagine me and you trying to box each other it would be hilarious we would just be cracking up all the time! Cant believe you have lost 3 stone is that good? surely you must be like 8 stone now or something?!!!! Neve sounds just like her mummy with all the smiling and giggling - lets just hope the blondeness doesnt wear off on her too much - good job she is staying away from me and also me and you combined for her first year - there may be hope! Is Trev not boxing too? I am going to have to start running soon, but its quite a few blocks to the big botanic gardens which is full of runners apparantly - the roads are really busy and you have to wait ages for the green man to show on the lights, so i would have to jog on the spot at the lights looking like a pleb for ages!!! Am going to put some pics on my website now so watch this space.......
Grace - Message To Stack!
Hi Stack! Its been a while since I called you that! Sounds like your sisters are causing tons of dramas as usual - very shocking about the Stellas - I am sure you have never drunk that much!!?! Don't really understand things like re-mortgaging but it sounds bad, good if you have more money though! Thats so exciting about the wedding dresses! I have just confirmed my flight home is on the 16th July so your hen night can be any day after that!!!! (Give me a few days to get over jet lag obviously!) If you really have to have it on 15th/16th though I will take you for a meal or something special when I am back. Seems bonkers talking about this now, but I am sure as I am very important you will need to know all this!!!!!!!!!(kidding). Still have no permanent address am in a bit of a grotty hostel actually but the room are ony $17 a night (about 7 quid) and there is free brekkie too. ttfn!
Poorly Gurty : (
Hi Sweetie,
I have to admit I haven't read your postcards 4 a while I'm afraid-They're just soooooooooooo long!!! I think I'll print them out so I can read them in bed or something!
I'm felling sorry 4 myself as I have a really bad cold. I have a nose like rudolph-Neve's getting it aswell which is a bit of a nightmare. Apart from that everything is going well here. Neve is more and more gorgeous every day-she just smiles and giggles all the time now! She's such a babe!
Have now lost almost 3 stone since giving birth! YIPPEE! I have started going back to the gym and have also started boxing! I knowthat sounds crazy but it's BRILLIANT!! I've never worked out so hard in all my life! You have to train with a partner throughout the class and last week I went with a bloke who'd been doing it for ages - well, I could hardly drive home my arms ached so much! It was fab though, especially if you have built up aggression in you!
I'm going 2 Dorset a week on wednesday for a week. Mums Babysitting for me on the Saturday night and I'm going out with Em who I used to work with-we're going to the g.spot!!Ha Ha!!Remember that night we went and we walked from your mums and ended up getting soaking wet cause it rained on the way - then when we came out we had 2 walk for ages again cause there were no taxis! Our feet were killing! When you get back we have 2 have a cheesy night out like that again!
Everything's getting all Christmassy here! I'm getting all excited-this year i'll be able to enjoy it a lot more. Last year I couldn't even decorate the tree as a certain little person was giving me lots of pregnancy sickness! Can't wait for Neve 2 see all the lights and sparkly things!
Anyway chick, hope you're fine and dandy! Thinking of you as always!
Lots of love
Hiya babe. Haven't visited your site for ages. Hope all is well. Things are hectic for us at the mo. Just managed to remortgage the house so that we can afford out wedding- not ideal I know but am very relieved. It's mad cos even tho we're borrowing more money, our monthly payments practically stay the same. Plus we have some cash for NewYork at Christmas as I woz getting really worried bout that. Only six weeks til we jet off to my Dad's in Brooklyn. I can't remember if I told u but my Dad has got engaged now. He has promised to wait until after mine and Simon's wedding, other wise I wouldn't be able to afford to go. Am so pleased he's found some one as he woz really depressed before. Had a phone call about 11pm the other day from my Mum cos my Sis (Sharlene) had an accident at Uni and got boiling hot water all over her arm and hand. She is a bloody nightmare and is always ending up in hospital since she started at Uni. Her arms gonna be alright but she's gonna have some scarring. The other week she thought it would be a good idea to drink 9 pints of Stella- & she ended up in hosital then too!! 9 months til our wedding!! Am so excited - am going to try on some wedding dresses soon!! Any way, will stay in touch. oxxoxxoxxo
Cousin Luke
Gracie, It was so cold today, the first time i've had to wear a scaff for winter! - It totally sucks to be in england right now. Oh and all the wind and rain (typical english talking 'bout t'weather) anyway i hope it makes you feel wonderful to be in hot Australia.
Make sure you go to Ramsey Street before you leave Melbourne (i'm sure you probably have).
Anyway, I'm not going to say too much because i'm going to save it for a phone call. With a internet phone its only 10p p/m so watch out for a call someday at 4am.
Off to see 'League of Gentleman Live' tomorrow!, will think of you.......Your my Wife now dave!!!!!!
Take care, beware of the spiders. Luke x
Grace, I've just heard that Jess produced a healthy baby boy called Oliver on Tues 1st Nov, which wasn't halloween. Matt is chuffed to pieces and although Oliver was two weeks early he weighted in at 6lbs 4. (I think). Jess is fine, she is a bit soar but expecting to be home on Saturday. I'm so pleased for them. Going to leave it a week or so before I get into touch again as expect they will be very busy getting adjusted and with family popping over.When I see Oliver I will tell him all about your travels and give him a little cuddle from you.
Miss you honey, hope you enjoy Australia. I didn't think much of Melbourne as I prefered Sydney, but there is still alot to see and do, including The Great Ocean Road. Just remember if you get fed up of city life you have the whole of beautiful Queensland to look forward too.
Take Care