Hi Chick!
Hope you had a good New Years Eve! Ours was alright. We had all the kids so we just went to a Brewers Fair place. Neve had a good time. She managed to stay up untill 11.30 and had a good boogie at the disco! Neves birthday is the 17th by the way! It won't be long before her birthday now which is MAD! I can't believe how quickly time is flying by. Especially with this new job - oh my god i'm so knackered. It's really hard work and very pressurised. Once I get my head aroung everything though it should be ok. Neve's enjoying it apart from yesterday when she got bitten on the face by another little girl. Trev went mad when he came to get her! She's got a massive bite mark on her cheek. Rocko is fine and dandy. He's petrified of Neve and funs away even if neve just looks at him! It's so funny! I can totally understand why your not interested in Eastenders actually thinking about it - why would you be when your in Oz having the time of your life! Only 9 weeks and 4 days till we go to St Kitts now!!!! I can't wait. We're taking the kids to Spain in August too, however it's not just the kids,it's Trevs Mum, the kids cousin Lauren and my Brother. So thats 7 kids and 3 adults! HELP!
Neve's woken up now so I'd better go and sort the little monkey out and get her dressed etc! Lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hey Grace!
Sorry it's been so long since I got in touch. Haven't had access to my computer since November due to ongoing work on the house! Electrics are becoming a nightmare! Secret Santa was good this year. Nicky, the new cleaner, got the dodgy present this year - a little book of VERY rude limericks! Didn't go to the pub - stayed in the lounge and had plenty to drink there! The last to leave were Barry, Tim and Dan. Dan was rather worse for wear the following day!!
Saw your message to Leigh. Spent my December writing lesson plans in the office on my own - no mess to get in Leigh's way! Was off for quite a while, as I had a chest infection just before I was due to go into hospital. Ended up being off for a month altogether. Feeling very unfit - especially post Christmas.
Anyway, keep enjoying yourself! We're on Broadband now, so can look at your piccies without having to wait forever for them to download. Am soooo jealous. Take care.
To Gurty and family! Sounds like you had a good typical British Xmas! I dont actually miss Eastenders or Corrie - shocking I know considering how addicted to them I was before I left! I think I will reform when I get home! (not) I am back on the 16th so I think that is only just in time for Neves birthday, but obviously I wont see her until she is one! oh no! Her birthday is 16th/17th isnt it I cant exactly remember how naughty! Will make sure I get up and see you as soon as I can though when I get back! I am about to write a nice long essay for you to read - enjoy! Milders xxx
Hi stack! You will be in America now as I write this! I meant to ring you before you left but never got round to it - how useless am I! Will ring when you get back. It must have been really wierd flying on Xmas day! Bet the roads were dead! Did you wait and open all your presents when you got to your Dads or did you wake up really early Xmas day and open them all at home? thats very sweet of you to get me a card - dont worry I got most pressies/cards after the actual day the post was very slow up until xmas - but now it only takes a few days how amazing! I cant wait for your wedding I know I will cry! Hope I will be back in time for the hen night too - I am back on the 16th July - if not will take you out for a meal or summet! speak to you in the new year, love me xxxx
Hi Kath! Hope you had a nice time in Devon, my mums house is real nice eh? I saw it on a video she sent to me - very hi-tech! Hope you had a good Xmas and that uni/school is all going well for the 3 of you! You will both have finished by the time I get back won't you? It was wierd to have Xmas in the sun, although it was cloudy all day! Can you message me all your email addresses please? See u when I get back! xx
Hi Grace! Merry Christmas and all that! Me, Jess and Lou lou have just come back from visiting your mum n the boys in Devon. They are all fine and your mum showed us pics she'd printed off from on here, we are all very jealous! Me and Jess think you should go on the 'Neighbours' tour because we love it and we're dissapointed to hear that you don't watch it anymore! you used to! Anyway hope you're still enjoying yourself and your christmas has been good, if a little warmer than usual!
take care!
Gurty,cuthbert And Ethel
MERRY CHRISTMAS BABE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know it's not technically Christmas now because it's Monday in your world and in actual fact it's monday here aswell but nevermind! Everyone's fallen asleep so I'm typing this to you and watching Eastenders(again!) I feel very sick and full of Christmas dinner and chocolate. Have sent you pics on your email of the little chickadee!
Eastenders is the usual xmas episode apart from this year, no-one dies! Sharon is pregnant, sonia and Martin are at each others throats and are going to split up and after a lot of faffing around, alfie and Kat get back together and go to America. Nana Moon died the other day which was very sad : ( Ruby is playing 'hide the purple parsnip' with the black guy Julie much to her dads disgust and it's all turned out be a big scam between julie and Phill Mitchell to get on Jonny allens nerves!Ha!
Wendy had her baby the other day - a little boy called Tristan. He was 9lb 3 1/2 oz! OOOWWWWWWW! He's so gorgeous!
So glad you got your pressies. I wasn't sure if they'd get there in time. Hope you had a good day. I thought of you all those miles away - the time is going so quickly though. I was thinking the other day that hopefully you'll be back in time for Neves birthday. I can't remember when you said you were coming back so hopefully it will be just in time. She's growing up so quickly Grace! She's starting to sit up now!
Can't wait for you to see her!
Anyway babe, hope you like the pics! Lot and Lots of love Gurty baby! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hiya Grace. I haven't been on your site in ages- you have been very busy typing all the exciting things that u've been up to. I still haven't managed to read it all as I'm at work at the mo. Gotta stay here til five thirty today even though it's absolutely dead! Have only had four customers all day. Got our xmas do tonight, going to Lougi's, the italian restaurant in Moordown that u came to with me and Si once. I still haven't written Laura a letter yet- I must do that in the new year. I really wanna get in touch with Moomin.
I can't beleive that it's xmas on Sunday. We're off to New York at 12 o clock xmas day, the kids are sooo excited. I am too, I can't wait to see my dad. It has been so hectic the past few weeks tho. We've been so busy seeing freinds and family every single night to make sure we fit every one in before xmas. I didn't realise that we knew so many people.
I have a confession to make- I forgot to send your xmas card. I'm really sorry, I found it in my bag this morning. I'm going to send it when I get back from America now so I can send u a little something as well- better late than never tho!?
I can't beleive that you've been gone for three months already! Just think, only eight months now til I get married! We are so skint but hopefully we'll manage to blag it some how. Anyway I suppose I must go and get on with some work unfortunately- I just can't seem to motivate myself today. I will hopefully speak to u soon mate. Have a wicked Christmas!!! -x-x-x-
To Niks! I thought of you actually when I was rescuing the bird - thought, theres no way Nikki or Krystal could do this!hope u enjoyed your night in with your cous, its good to do that and have a goss - makes me miss our occasional get togethers with Jess - so much gossip time!!! I know where the Greenhouse hostel is but havent been in there - why is that where you stayed? My cousin Luke stayed there he said it was really nice, I am sure it is as its now $26 a night! I was getting my last hostel for $12 a night, now the same with my house, so theres no competition! Was lovely to chat on the phone the other day, miss you! Love Grace xxxx
Hey Girly,
You are a brave one, I would totally flip if I was there with the birdie, do you remember how excited I was too discover that Krystal also didn't like birdies..just like me! Its a bit tragic really that I am scared by something as small as a bird. Anway seeing as you will be popping over shortly to visit leigh and the gang, maybe you could drop past good old Blandford for some sherry and mince pies!!!!! Thanks for the postcard it was a lovely suprise. Wrote a huge email to you the other day,only to lose it before managing to send it to you..doh! Ah well I will get round to it again soon. Currently sat in the flat above The Night Owl, which will be my home for the next 3 weeks drinking wine by the bottle with my cousin while watching Scary Movie 2. Happy days, well doesnt beat being in Australia I guess, nevermind I have my memories. Beside I also get to catch up on all the Johnny Depp films, so far managed Sleepy Hollow tonight. Anyway that is enough of me blabbing on, by the way do you ever go anywhere near The Greenhouse Hostel, think it is on Flinders Lane which is the road directly behind Flinders Street (where the train station is) I think, may have got then the wrong way around.
Miss you babe
Love Nikki
Forgot to say Gurts, no spiders as yet, but I havent been into the outback or camped, or been to Queensland which is where the rainforest is where you see most of the scary spiders! Will let you now when I see one. Apparantly someone saw a massive one in Melbourne the other day though! (but not poisonous). I had a bird in my kitchen today though, flapping at the window - that was a bit exciting! Picked it up with a tea towel in my usual animal rescue way (remember the sheep incident!) and took it outside! no more wildlife to rescue yet, but I am sure there will be time! Love milders xxxxxxxxxx