Grace's Adventures!
Hello again from Sydney! My I am being efficent with my journal! One reason is coz the weather is not being so great at the mo - bit cloudy! And net is so cheap here in Sydney!
As you can see from the photo I did go and check out the oprah house and the harbour bridge they day I was last writing this. They were as amazing as I expected them to be! The oprah house isn't very impressive inside though - you can only go in the foyer, but it was really dark and ceiling concrete in one area and not even boarded up with pipes on show in other places! Can not believe it, for one of the most well known and poshest buildings in the world!! The harbour was so gorgeous, and I sat and had lunch and watched all the boats! Saw lots of street entertainers, and saw just random individuals that entertained me like a Japanese couple taking photos of themselves with a camera on a tripod - they had identical outfits on - so funny! Went round to where the bridge starts in a historic area called 'The Rocks' where the first settlement was created in Australia by convicts in late 1700's and in 1800's. Some nice buildings, had a look in some galleries and in a little museum all about the history of the rocks. Then walked under the bridge, then over the bridge - fantastic views! Was so windy up there! Then headed back to the hostel to get ready to go out for Paddys day! Had some nice wine and sat with a group of girls from Britain. Walked down to train station with them, but they went out somewhere else, and I went back down to the rocks again and met Corinda my Dutch friend! It was so nice to see her. We had a really good laugh that night, and spent most of the night on the street and outside pubs rather than inside pubs! Just so many people about and had so many random conversations with so many different people - one of them from Bath! I ended up speaking to someone with an Irish accent for about half an hour coz I had heard mostly Irish people all night! Met a guy from Bath! Also met some Brazilian guys that tried to teach me Portugeuse! (Unsuccessful!) Called it a night at about 3.30am and had a great sleep!
Went to meet Corinda and her friend Marcus who she is staying with at the Oprah house, and had a look round the Botanic Gardens. They are really nice - not as good as the others I have been to though! But what was great was there was enormous Eastern water dragons (lizards), flying foxes (enormous fruit bats!) and enormous huntsman spiders (non-deadly!) Very exciting. Then Went to Marcus' house with Corinda and had some dinner - very nice! Met his other housemates - they're all Irish!
Next day I went to the Powerhouse museum which was a science, technology and design museum - really interesting. There was a Kylie exhibition with loads of photos and awards and loads of gorgeous outfits - she is so so small!! Met 3 of the British girls from my hostel and there was a Kylie dance workshop with Kylie's choreographer - wow! We learnt the dance to Spinning around and Can't get you out of my head - was so much fun! After museum I had a go on the monorail which does the tiniest route ever and is very expensive for what it is - saw Darling Harbour which looks very posh!
Next day - yesterday I went to the Australian museum which was about natural history, biodiversity and indigenous australians - ideal for me! And today, much that I wanted to go to Bondi beach and walk to Coogee beach along the cliff, the weather is cloudy, so hopefully tomorrow! If not, luckily I am coming back to Sydney in about 3 weeks with Andy! I have been on the net for 3 hours today - have put latest photos on website! Look under Victoria, New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory. Enjoy! But weather is nice now as I have been in here so long the weather has changed - yay!
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