Grace's Adventures!
There were no pics of Canberra in the selection so you have got another roo to look at!
I had a great week in Canberra, despite how everyone says it's really boring and there's nothing to do! My hostel was pretty nice but crazily quiet - they was almost nobody in the kitchen, dining room and lounge every day, so I didn't meet many people! Met a few girls in my room - several as most people just stay a couple of nights! On my first day I headed down to the lake which is totally artificial! They dammed the river that used to flow through there, dug a big hole and now there is a huge lake! There is a massive water jet that blasts water up for a few hours a day - that was pretty cool! Went to a capital exhibition that told the story of the building and history of the city - quite good. Then walked down 'Anzac parade' where there are loads of statues dedicated to everyone that served in all the different wars. Then went to the war memorial, which was more of a massive museum! I didn't get time to see it all so went back the next day and spent literally the whole day in there! (8 hours altogther!) Learnt all about WW1 and WW2 so am rather enlightened - knew very little before! Even a man in there who worked there commented he had never seen anyone spend so much time in there - he had noticed me on both days! Every day in Canberra I saw so many birds - parrots, roselllas, cockatoos, galahs - they look and sound so exotic yet they are as common as our crows and blackbirds - how cool is that! Even the magpies here sound exotic and are huge! Really liked Canberra, but the only bad thing was that there were no signs for pedestrians - only for cars! Also, you have to walk along dual carriageway to get to some things!!
On saturday (my birthday!) I volunteered as a marshal at the Subaru Rally about 10km out of the city - was such a hassle to get out there but I managed to get a bus and a taxi for not too much money! Met loads of other marshals up there and we were put in place where we had to make sure no-one crossed the barriers or smoked coz it was so dry and there was a total fire ban! Was so mad coz I had never even been to a rally, and only had brief instructions on what to do but all was good - no-one was naughty! It was very quiet where I was marshalling actually so didn't have much to do and didn't even see that many people! Those I spoke to and the other marshals I spoke to were very surprised that I was British - I guess they thought it would mostly local people marshalling, and it mostly was although I met some guys from Newcastle, north of Sydney. Everyone I met was so sound, had such a great day! Oh and the cars were good too! Of course that's why I volunteered, I got to see the rally for free! Super fast sporty cars whizzing round forest kicking up loads of dust - was quite a buzz! Had a break where I could watch them whizzing round in the open too, that was really cool, and they went so fast over a bridge! I had a lift back to the city and had lift arranged for the next day too, but never ended up going because I had too much fun that night as it was my birthday! I'm glad my birthday was on a saturady because if it was a week night I reckon it would have been dead in the city! I went for a really nice meal with some girls in my dorm I had only just met - 2 from UK, 2 from Denmark, and later on girl from Australia (yes, backpacking!) joined us. It was so nice coz all the seating is outside on the street and it's really lively. After the meal we went to the Irish pub right under my hostel which was really packed as there was a brilliant band playing. I met lots of random people and danced loads and then met a guy called Chris on the bench outside just before I went upstairs who was really funny, so we met up the next day and went to the Botanic gardens. It's very crazy coz all these people I met on my birthday I will never see again yet I valued their company so much on that day when none of you guys were here - of course I would much rather have been celebrating with all my friends and family but I had a wicked night, just didn't really feel very birthday-like just like Xmas didn't feel much like Xmas!
Anyhoo, had a good lie-in (there's no way I would have got up to go to the rally again at 7.30am!) and met Chris who was good company for the day as we walked round the gardens, which were really nice. Very different to Melbournes, as these are all native plants, bushes and trees from different regions of oz, was really nice. Saw and heard some hilarious kookaburras laughing like mad in the trees and some massive parrots! Also lots of eastern water dragons (massive liazrds!) - they were very cool.
I spent the whole of monday in the national musem - was really good, all about natural history, introduction of non-native wildlife, aboriginal history, immigration of Europeans and convicts, random collections, and lots more! Again, didn't see it all so had to go back the next day and finish it off! Was very good! Saw more lizards by the lake - so crazy to see them everywhere! Was really nice, sat by the lake both days, you wouldn't know it was man-made! After the museum on the tuesday I walked over the lake to the old parliament house which is more traditional than the modern one, but still seems really modern. I had a guided tour, but because it was late in the day there was only me so it was great - was more of a guided chat! Nice lady. You could see round the whole place, not just the representatives and senates houses where they have their debates etc. You could see all their meeting, relaxing, changing rooms! And all the offices and other stuff - they had just left everything how it was when they moved up to the new house - all the furniture, books, phones, so was quite strange! There were a few exhibitions in there too which I had a look at. Out the front there is the aboriginal tent embassy which has been there for over 30 years! They erected a tent and people still camp out there (even though parliament has since moved!) on the lawns in front of the house and have fires and everything - it's very surreal. They are protesting against 'white' parliament that doesn't give them the land rights they are should be allowed and is apparantly very racist towards them. Then I had a wander through the beautiful rose gardens next to the house.
On my last morning in Canberra I went to the Canberra museum and gallery which wasn't that great really. Then sat in a park and wrote my journal and it actually started to rain! Couldn't believe it - hadn't seen rain for a while!! Caught the bus after lunch and met new people, which seemed nice, but didn't get to know them really as everyone got off and went to different hostels in Sydney! I ended up getting a bit lost and walked what seemed like so far to the hostel coz my bags were ridiculously heavy! So knackered! Bus couldn't drop me off outside unfortunately! Was very cheap so was suspicious it wouldn't be too good but it's fab! No noisy bar, very clean, I even have a fridge, tv and sink in my room as well as furniture so I have actually unpacked! So nice! And its just a really nice place all round, but again, a bit too quiet - there's no-one around when I am eating my food! Where are all the people! Have met a nice American girl though, we may be going out later as its Paddys day and Sydney goes mad! It's so much more hectic here than Melbourne, more cars and people and narrower streets (no trams!) and it's so easy to get lost as the streets are all a jumble, not in a nice grid like Melbourne! I have my nice tourist map though and people have been helpful to me so far!
Yesterday I walked down to the fish markets which were cool, and had lunch by the sea! Then went to the Paddys market (nothing to do with Paddys day, it's always on!) and got some cheap fruit and veg - yay it's like the vic market I loved so much in Melbourne! And then went to the supermarket and internet! And that was my day - interesting huh? Haven't even seen the harbour bridge and oprah house yet, so am going to see them today! Also later I am meeting Corinda - Dutch girl I met in Tassie and saw a lot of in Melbourne as she is here for a few days - pure coincidence and lucky I checked my emails! All done now, time for sightseeing - woohooo!!
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