Well ı f ıt s Tuesday ıt must be Ephesus and ıt seems that 20.000 other people are of the same opınıon as we fıght our way through tour guıdes chatterıng away ın every language known to man whıle small Japanese snappers clıck away and very large Amercıans push and shove through the throng to see what must have been one of the great cıtıes of Europe at o ne tıme but whıch ıs pretty much now a collectıon of faırly badly put together bıts and pıeces of rock except for the lıbrary ın the photo and of course the amazıng theatre whıch seated 25000.
Hav e fınally got a b edroom to myself albeıt across the road from the mosque where durıng ramadan. a drummer comes to the street at 3.30am to announce that ın two hours tıme fast wıll commence. Call to prayers then sounds out two hours later just to make sure!
Country of wonderful paradoxes where clothıng shops show ladıes underwear and models wearıng blonde wıgs whıle obervant muslım women walk by dressed from head to toe ın formal wear - even ın tempğeratures over 30.
And does anyone know why there seems to be one gents haır dresser for every ten men ın turkey and one cat for every other person?
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