Maybe not Gordon's last trip
Just in case you have been kind enough, to have logged on to this site I thought I should thank you for your curiousity!
Who said "every journey starts with the first step"?
Answers please on the notice board - sorry there are no prizes.
Anyway....I expect to be on my way to Heathrow enroute for India on the 18th October, after which I hope to keep the casual visitor to this site amused as we go along.
Before I step out I thought you might be interested to see some of the questions which a caring Australian travel company sent me prior to my booking with them.
"While we have no objections to carrying clients in the over 60 age group (Kind of them) ............we would like to draw your attention to various aspects of our tours which you may not realised until now. " (I had asked them about travelling in the Andes.)
"You may experience intense climate, extreme altitude and unsanitary conditions. Would you be able to enjoy yourself under such circumstances?"
"At times your vehicle might even get stuck in mud or sand. Would you be able to ensure the discomfort and be patient during delays?"
"Would you be able to cope without your home comforts if you were ill during the tour?"
"On some tours you will find yourself in remote areas with very primitive toilets and no hot water. Would you be prepared to rough it for a few days?"
"The morals and ethics of the younger group members are sometimes very different to those held (sic) by older clients. If you have strong views on such matters, would the other passengers' actions spoil your tour?"
I leave you, dear reader, to guess at my reply to the last question.
Sorry cannot be reached by phone (except in emergency) so bye for now.
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