Rownd y Byd efo Helen a Fiona!!
I ddechra, dw i'n meddwl y bysa'n well i mi ymddiheuro am beidio a bod mewn cysylltiad ers talwm iawn! Dw i wedi bod yn andros o brysur dros yr wythnosa dwetha a wedi cael lot fawr iawn o hwyl. Here's what i got up to:-
2-3 Mai: Nes i ddigwydd dod o hyd i Ems yn yr maes awyr yn sydney cofiwch... pwy sa'n meddwl de!! Troulion ni ddwy noson mewn hotel grand iawn reit o dan y Sydney Harbour Bridge a chael gweld y city sights oddi ar cwch captain cook cruises.
4-9: Cychwyn am y domestic airport yn fora iawn er mwyn gwneud ein ffordd i Alice Springs. Roedd rhaid hedfan via Adelaide, ac roedd y ffleit o fano i Alice yn erchyll. Mae Ems yn rhoi'r bai i gyd ar y peilot am ei bod hi'n ddynas!! Y tywydd yn boeth a sych iawn yn Alice, diolch byth am yr air conditioning yn annie's place - ein hostel. Roedd rhaid cychwyn or hostel am 5.30 y bore wedyn (sioc fawr i fy system i!!) a gwneud ein ffordd am Ayres Rock. Mae'r graig werth ei gweld ag yn llawer iawn mwy na be on i rioed wedi ei ddychmygu. Er ei fod yn bosib cerdded i ben y graig, mae'r bobl aboriginal yn teimlo ei fod o'n beth amharchus iawn, felly nes i ddefnyddio hyn fel esgys perffaith a cherdded ogwmpas y gwaelod yn unig. Roedd hyn yn heic o tua 9.5 km cofiwch!! Wedyn aethon i goginio ein swper ar y tan wrth wylio'r haul yn machlud ac yn creu lliwiau gwych ar Ayres Rock. Profiad dra wahanol oedd cysgu o dan y ser efo DIM OND sleeping bag ar camp fire i'n cadw yn gynnes drwy'r nos!!
Cychwyn yn y bore am 5 eto er mwyn cael gwylio'r gwawrio y tro ma. Roedd hwn hefyd yn brofiad anhygoel, cyn mynd i gerdded o gwmpas yr Olgas. Golygfeydd ffantastic o fama hefyd ac ar ol cerdded 8.7 km roedd pawb ar lwgu, felly roedd yn rhaid i ni fynd i chwilota am 'bush tucker'. Allai ddim credu mod i wedi byta wichetty grub, on mi nes i!!! Roedd na flas chydig fel almonds arno ar r'un texture ag wy!!! Neis!! Camal oedd i swpar y noson hono, a mi nes i fwynhau hwnnw hefyd!!
Cyn cychwyn yn ol am ein hostel y diwrnod wedyn aethon i ddringo fyny heart-attack hill er mwyn gweld y Kings Canyon. Rhaid i mi gyfadd ei fod o werth y risg or heat-attack er mwyn gweld yr olygfa -ffantastic eto. Fuon ni yn reidio ar gefn camal yma hefyd, dw i wir yn gobeithio fod o ddim yn gwbod mod i newu fyta ei fet o i swpar noson gynt!! Teimlad od iawn oedd bod ar gefn camal, a mi oedd on rhedeg braidd yn rhy gyflym for my liking!!
Ar ol cyrraedd yn ol ir hostel, fues i rioed mor falch o gal cawod a thrio golchi'r pridd coch o'n dillad!! Aethon o gwmpas Alice eto ac roedd yn ddiddorol gweld yr holl bobl aboriginal yn eistedd o dan y coed ym mhob man drwy'r dydd yn yfed!!! Roedd y ffleits yn ol i sydney llawer iawn gwell y tro yma, diolch byth!
10-12: Fuon ni mewn ardal or enw Hunter Valley am ychydig o ddiwrnodau. Ardal cynhyrchu gwin ydi o, felly allwch chi ddychmygu fod Ems a finna yn ein glory yma!! Dreulion ni'r dydd yn mynd ogwmas yr holl wineries yn cael blasu'r gwahanol gynyrch. Roedden ni braidd yn meri yn cyrraedd yn ol i'r hostel lle roedd y perchenog yn coginio pizzas i ni ar y tan tu allan! Gawson ni ginio lyfli yn Cessnock- pentref gerllaw- efo Buddug a John ai theulu. Ryfadd meddwl ein bod ni'n gorfod dod yr holl ffordd i Awstralia i gwrdd a'n gilydd! Wedyn roedd rhaid cychwyn yn ol am Sydney i gyfarfod efo Fiona.
13-22: Pwy ond ni fysa'n dewis dringo'r Sydney Harbour Bridge ar friday 13th!!! dyy!! Nes i fwynhau ei ddringo er ein bod ni'n gorfod gwisgo siwtiau deiniadol iawn!! Am ein bod ni wedi dewis ei ddringo yn hwyr yn y pnawn, gawsom weld yr olygfa o Sydney yn ystod y dydd, tra roedd yr haul yn machlud ag wrth ddringo lawr yn y nos. Profiad anhygoel ac yn werth pob ceiniog! Dwi'n ama fod pengliniau Ems wedi dechrau crynnu ychydig am ein bod ni mor uchel, ond oedd on iawn unwaith nes i afael yn ei law o!!!
Fuon ni hefyd yn y Blue Mountains yn gweld y creigiau or enw The Three Sisters! Roedd bob man yn edrych yn las go iawn oherwydd y vapours oedd yn cael eu gollwng gan yr coed eucalyptus. Gawson ni drafeilio mewn tren bach scary iawn, oedd yn rhoi'r teimlad i mi ein bod ni wedi cael ein gollwng lawr ochr y graig, cyn mynd i ddringo drwy'r Jenolan caves lle welson ni ddyn debyg iawn i taid!!!
Yn ogystal a hyn fuon ni yn y Darling Harbour, yn yr aquarium, yn gwylio gem A.F.L (sydney swans v port adelaide), yn yr imax theatr, mewn maritime museum, ar hop on hop off bus yn ganol glaw (dyy!), yn gwylio'r sioe Lion King, yn y Zoo ag i ben y Sydney Tower!!!!!!!!!!!
Efallai eich bod yn gweld rwan pam na ches i llawar o gyfla i sgwennu!! Dim ond dan dydd sadwrn sydd gennym ar ol yn awstralia rwan, anodd credu fod tri mis arall wedi mynd heibio mor sydyn. Rhaid dechra trefnu y tri mis nesa yn Seland Newydd rwan!
Hwyl am y tro...
Hels xxxxx
Firstly I must apologise for not keeping you up to date for such a long time but I'm sure that if you read on you will understand why! I have been so busy and having a great time, here's what I got up to:-
2-3rd May: Would you beleive that I bumped into Ems at Sydney airport, imagine that!!! We spent two lovely days in Sydney, seeing the sights from the captain cook cruise boat and staying in a posh hotel right under th sydney harbour bridge.
4-9: We flew to Alice Springs early in the morning. We had to fly via Adelaide and the flight from there to Alice was terrifying- Ems blames tha lady pilot of course. Alice is a very hot and dry place and we were very thankful for the air conditioning at our hostel.
Our trip to Ayres rock began at 5.30 the next morning - a big shock to my system!!! When we arrived at the rock I was quite surprised as I hadn't imagined it to be so big. Even though it was possible to climb up to the top of the rock, the aboriginal people feel that it is a very disrespectful thing to do. I used this as a perfect excuse to stick to walking arount the bottom of the rock, only o 9.5 km hike! We ate our supper while watching the sun set and casting wonderful red colours on the rock... how romantic!!
The next day was another early start to view the sunrise. We then spent the rest of the day climbing the Olgas and admiring the wonderful views. This was only an 8.7km hike (!), so by the afternoon we were starving and went in search of some 'bush tucker'. We found a wichetty grub in the roots of a bush so we cooked that. It tasted a bit like almonds but had the same texture as eggs and it's skin was a bit crunchy!!! Our main meal that night was camel and it was really nice! We slept again under the stars in only a sleeping bag and a camp fire to keep us warm!
On our last day we risked a climb up heart-attack hill to see the views of the Kings Canyon. It was well worth the risk as it was a truly amazing experience. Before heading back to our hostel we got to ride a camel. I'm hoping that he wasn't aware of the fact that I had just eaten his friend for supper the night before!! Back at the hostel I had never been so glad to take a shower and gat all the red dist off our clothes!
We spent a day exploring Alice before flying back to Sydney. It was very interesting to see all the aboriginal people in the town sitting under the trees all day.
10-12: Ems and I spent a few days in the wine producing region of Hunter Valley. As you can imagine, we enjoyed this very much!!! We spent a whole day being driven around all the wineries and tasting the produce (we are now experts!!) and arrived back at the hostel feeling quite merry. We got to relax as the owner of the hostel cooked us pizzas on the fire outside and I felt that I could get used to this!!
The next day we met up with Buddug and John and their family in nearby Cessnock. We had a great time with them, it's funny to think that we had to travel all the way to Australia to meet up!
We then headed back to Sydney to find Fiona.
13-22: We decided to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge on Friday the 13th!!! How silly was that!! The climb was fantastic even though we had to wear a very attractive jump suit! We climbed at twighlight which meant that we saw the sights of Sydney during the day, whilst the sun was setting and at night time during our decent. The experience was truly amazing and I highly recommend it!
We visited the Blue Mountains where we looked at the rock formations of The Three Sisters through the blue haze given from the eucalyptus vapours. We were scared to death by a train ride down the side of the cliff, before we climbed through the Jenolan caves. This is where we saw a man who looked very much like taid!!!
As well as all of this we also went to Darling Harbour, to an aquarium, watched an A.F.L game (sydney swans v port adelaide), went to the imax theatre, visited the maritime museum, went on a hop on hop off bus in the rain (!!), saw the Lion King musical, went to the zoo, and looked out from the top of the Sydney Tower!!!! Phew!!!
We only have a few days left in Australia now, so we are busy planning our next three months in New Zeland!
I will be in touch soon, lots of love...
Hels xxxxx
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