Realisation this morning of just how lucky we have been with the weather! It rained heavily most of the night and was pouring when we woke up this morning. Although we haven't had brilliant sunshine we have only had to deal with intermittent drizzle.
So, Rotorua became a relative non event - and a very wet soggy one at that. After brekkie we drove around the central town area, through the Government Gardens - and we both remembered the majestic Rotorua Museum. So impressive. Had a wander through the Farmers Market (under an umbrella of course!) and grabbed a coffee before heading north. We were interested in doing the Skyline ride up to Mt Ngongotaha and also Hell's Gate (another geothermal area that we did visit many years ago) but the weather was far from conducive for either!
Our first stop was only about 30 minutes away - yet another random off main road detour to Okere Falls. What an unexpected highlight that proved to be! As we parked, the white water rafters were clambering back up the walkway to their van, their faces exuding exhaustion and exhilaration - the adrenaline rush was almost (!) contagious ....or at least we could recall that feeling from our one and only experience many many years ago! And the views from the base of the walkways and trails was phenomenal. So awesome! One area was actually once the site of a power station .....
Our drive continued north and through a township called Te Puke - the heart of Kiwi fruit country! They grow on trellis like vines - everywhere - many covered for protection.
Not far to our stop for the night at Mount Maunganui - a lovely seaside holiday resort area close by the larger port city of Tauranga on the Bay of Plenty. It was close to lunch time but our priority was to determine how we were going to watch Sharks & Storm in the Grand Final at 9.30pm tonight. We found a holiday park close by at the base of the mountain but after checking out several bars etc we realised no one could guarantee that they would screen the game! Dilemma! So, we decided to book into something...found a lovely studio apartment with Sky Sports! All sorted!
Drove around to explore Tauranga - massive wharf area but even the nice bar and cafe area looked gloomy in the overcast drizzle. Got ourselves some steaks and supplies (at Pak n' Save ), had a a pre dinner/ match drink at a local bar back in Mauganui then back to our apartment for some washing, dinner preparations and a couple of nerve calming drinks.
And of course, oh my God....what a game! So ecstatic about the result ....and that we were able to watch it all in comfort.....just wish we could have been there! As did Roey in NYC! So proud of our Chad .....and proud to admit we both shed more than a few tears! Unreal Sharkies! UP UP!!
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