Everyone loves Boobies. There are lots of Boobies here - Blue Footed, Red Footed and maybe other Boobies - I stopped paying attention when it came to Boobies. I like seals and cactuses and crabs. I don't care about turtles or tortoises and I thought I loved penguins but they turned out to be dullards so they are off my Christmas list.
This day started with a 6 am walk, well first you have to get off the big boat, get in the small boat without falling, get off the small boat onto the beach without falling, and then walk.....the Galapagos Cruise is not like other cruises where your fear of falling is off your chair at the buffet because the legs broke. And I did have bruises and scrapes from the previous day when I fell onto the big boat.....
Anyway the first event of the day was visiting Post Office Bay. Pretty interesting place - an actual post office on the beach of a deserted? island. Here, as in the past, people leave post cards or messages in an old box, to be delivered by someone who comes to the box, finds one from an address/country they are going or maybe live, and take it to hand deliver. This tradition has been going on for centuries. Of course mine was difficult to leave - being homeless I could not put an address so i will hope for an email and a hook up somewhere on the trail. Others from our group took cards from the box to take back to Austrailia or Holland or Canada or the US to seek out and meet the recipient. I forgot my camera that morning so no pictures. The box is surrounded by wooden plaques left by many travellers, some with messages, some with names. A pretty cool place. Reading the post cards was fun because you could get a sense of the person and whether you wanted to make the effort to return it to them.
The afternoon snorkelling was in a salt lagoon. Sammi and I went into some caves and were surprised how easy it was to get sucked in to the back of the cave - scary - and how hard it was to fight the current to get back out. We saw big manta rays and big turtles, a couple of sharks and lots of fish of all sizes and shapes. I especially enjoyed snorkelling down lava tunnels - narrow spaces between the lava flow. These tunnels are sharp sided and a little spooky cause you cannot get away from what ever else is in there with you. Another first. Been there, done that, don't care to do it much more though.
Carolyn and I were enjoing getting to know Noella and Collette from Montreal. Two sisters who travel together for a few months in the winter. Collette retired after a long career with Chanel and Noella had a clothing boutique in Montreal. Two classy ladies and real troopers. They had come from Peru and had done Macchu Pichu by train in the rain.
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Sami everyone loves boobies....and boobie wrestling. We are still looking for a target market. We think the underground high class poker gambling circle is our best bet....but we will let you know as soon as the boobie wrestling phenomenon takes off...which it will