Well, seems like the sniffles exploded into a full blown tsunami a couple of nights ago - the coughing started and just would not stop. My core is so sore from coughing I now have cough anxiety. Just came into town to see the pharmacist and she gave me some cough tablets and more decongestants. I had visited the pharmacist in Vancouver after suffering with blocked ears landing from Calgary. The whole ear thing is pretty rare for me so maybe this bug has been lurking in there for a few weeks.....nonetheless, OMG! Coughing and nose blowing and all around miserableness. Thank goodness I am not on a tour or somebody else's schedule cause I just stayed in yesterday, coughed, blew my nose and watched animal planet and national geographic channel. Not a lot of choice - Chinese propaganda channel, German news or one of a zillion Cambodian soaps - they love that whole 15 century stuff - love stories of rescues and life in the era of , well I actually have no idea - the men are in dresses and have big fu Manchu mustaches and Armour and ride around on big horses rescuing damsels in distress. There is alot of blood and guts as well as the like to battle with big swords. Did get a book read and will read another one today. The decongestants always have the completely wired side effect on me so no sleeping just tossing and turning and waiting it out. I have now developed a hatred for roosters. What's with those things? I thought they were supposed to crow and sunrise - not all f'ing night. Would just get to sleep and the roosters from across the lane would start at it and you know once you start to focus on something????? Yup - they live across the lane at the deep frying factory/small animal killing fields and if tonight is no better I may just go over there and start deep frying a couple of them.......little cranky perhaps???? I am appreciative of my cheap huge room as waiting this thing out is the only choice - can't imaging spewing on a 10 hour bus ride or a 6 hour boat ride. That is just not right. Maybe this is a bad Karma thing cause I considered raiding the numerous offering more of that.
So - nothing new here in Siem Reap, I do really like this town and have gotten to know it quite well. Send good Karma for my cough to suppress and my head to clear.
Love, Deb
- comments
janice21 oh my poor friend! How miserable! Can't believe how sick you are! You have 100% of my sympathy and good karma coming your way. SO much you want to do and see but all you can bear is getting through that cold right now. Just miserable. I'm really sorry to hear that! As for roosters - oh my freaking gosh! They are the most horrid, vile creatures EVER! They time it, I swear to goodness, for when they hear your breathing slowed and steady, when they know that movement has stopped and sleep is imminent, they are Satan's spawn! And you get to that point where you're so tired but you can't sleep and you just want to cry but you're too tired to cry. Oh Deb. Seriously, I will wish for their deep-fried end to come soon, soon, SOON! I love all the photos! I can't believe you're actually there! Does it seem real to you?! You look pretty darn happy, so it must seem some kind of real, but wow, absolutely different world. You were born for this, my friend, except for the cold and sick part. :( I'm at work but will puruse more of your tales later. Take good care of you so you can get back on the road. Fingers crossed for some sleep for you soon. xoxo