Sorry I have been so slow in updating my blog but I have been on the move pretty much non stop over the past two weeks. Right where was I...
After leaving Christchurch, we headed to Kaikoura for the second time. I actually preferred it this time. That is probably because we had a group bbq with steak and crayfish, yum yum! In the evening we all headed down to the pub for a quiz night. I had to participate in a boat race where you have to drink a pint of beer through a straw. I hate beer so it was horrible but we won and got a $50 bar tab wahoo.
We left Kaikoura early Wed morning and made our way to Picton where we got the 3 hour ferry across to the North Island. The journey was really relaxing and the views were gorgeous as we travelled through the Malborough Sounds. Kat, Adam, Will, Sophie, Rich and I got very burnt because we fell asleep on the sun deck and it was 28 degrees.. ooops! When we arrived in Wellington, the capital of New Zealand, I wasn't very impressed to be honest. It was just a city with restaurants, bars and shops. Kat and I took a walk down to the harbour which was nice and also popped to see the Beehive (the iconic government building). Fantastic architecture I must say!
This was it, the time had come. We left Wellington on Thursday morning and started the 4 hour drive to Taupo (the home of Skydiving). I was really nervous when we arrived but once I was kitted out and met my dive instructor I was ok. We all pilled into the plane and began the 20 minute flight to reach the dive height of 15,000 feet. The views were amazing and I was suprisingly quite enjoying the flight until, Malache, my dive instructor put an oxygen mask over my face and said only 5 minutes left. Ahhhhhhhhh! As soon as the shutter went up I started to wee myself. The first 3 people went out fine and then it was my turn. I shuffled to the edge of the door and hung my legs over the side of the plane. The last thing I remember is the instructor saying to me 'Dont worry if you die, we wont make you pay for it'. Excuse me what? but it was too late and we were sucked out of the plane. The feeling was amazing. We freefalled for 1 minute at 200 km/h until Malache releaed the prachute. He let me take over the controls which was a bad idea but it was also a fantastic experience. The 15 minute parachute journey to thr ground was great. The views were amazng and the experience was so sereal. I absolutely loved it and would do it again in a flash. After we all landed, safely, we went into the tv room to watch our dvd. I was so pleased with how it came out and I loved how much I looked like I enjoyed it which I really did. That evening I met up with Gemma King, who is also travelling around New Zealand. It was really nice to see her and have a catch up. As well having a well earned drink after my jump.
On the Friday I had a lovely lie in followed by a stroll around town. Will and I went to the lake for a swim and a sunbathe which was nice. Lake Taupo is the biggest lake in New Zealand but also the coldest hehe. Lets just say it was very 'refreshing' hehe. In the evening we watched The Ugly Truth on Wills' laptop. Gerard Butler is yummy! Great end to the day.
The following morning Will and I caught the early bus to Waitomo to do Black Water Rafting and to see the glow worms. Black water rafting is basically where you climb through caves and travel down waterfalls on a black rubber ring. You have to wear a wetsuit, hat and head torch. We had a great time, it was such a fun activity and glow worms were spectacular. The colours were amazing and so bright in the pitch black! That evening we headed to Rotorua, the cultural capital of New Zealand. We were really lucky to arrive that day because Lakeside 2010, a free Hollywood themed concert was being held in the park by the lake. Will, Kat, Liz, Big Al, Gary and I bought a few drinks and made our way down there for the evening. The show was fantastic and the fireworks that followed were brilliant.
On Sunday Will, Kat and I decided to go on a cultural walk around town. We went to the museum, visited a Mauri village and went down to look at the Sulphur pools (they smell like rotten eggs, in fact the whole town does, it's horrible). In the evening Will and I went to Lava Bar to watch the final of the Oz Open. Will had his money on Federer and I was backing Murray. As you can imagine I was not happy went Federer won and as usual Will was playing the gloating younger brother card (bless him he's only 20). I had a couple of drinks with him before heading to bed in a sulk hehe.
On Monday I arrived in Auckland, the big smoke! Kat and I unpacked and went to the cinema to see Nine. It was a terrible film so not a great start. The following day, I took myself off for some alone time and had a wander around Auckland Museum. It was suprisingly very good. I learnt all about the Mauri culture and tradition and the walk back to town afterwards was really nice too.
On Wednesday morning I decided to jump on the Kiwi Bus and make my way North to The Bay of Islands. I havn't been very impressed with the North Island so far but the Bay of Islands were beautiful. I walked up to the Treaty House (were the Mauri people signed over New Zealand to England in the 1800's). I got lots of great photos of the area and the traditional Mauri Canoe's called Waka's. I was also lucky to catch a Mauri ceremony where they performed the Haka. It was amazing but also pretty scary hehe.
The following day I went on a day trip to Cape Reinga (where the Tasman and Pacific seas meet). It was a great but very long day. We went sandboarding (so much fun), drove along 90 mile beach, sunbathed on New Zealands most Northern beach, went to the cape to see the two seas meet and had fish and chips for tea, yummy! That evening our group went for a few drinks in the hostel bar called the PiPi Patch. Sam and Matt, really nice couple from Leicester, persuaded me to have a few drinks as it was $4 Thursday. A few drinks and shots later I was very drunk and ended up singing the Power of Love on karaoke. I felt sorry for everybody in the bar having to listen to that I bet it was awful lol. Great night though!
On Friday I met up with Mel, who was also in the Bay of Islands on her bus, and we went for a sunbathe on the beach. I left that afternoon and headed back to Auckland. I have spent the last 2 days washing, sorting, catching up on things I havn't had chance to do, bought a 'Sweet As' hoodie and took some photos of the harbour. Mel arrived yesterday and we have spent today preparing for Fiji tomorrow as well as getting a Sweet As hoodie for her too. Sweet As is the saying that all Kiwi's use all of the time. It means 'sounds good to me bro'. Ill explain when I see you hehe but we had to buy one. It would be wrong to go home without something that said sweet as on it because it is definately one of the ways we are going to remember New Zealand.
Mel and I have loved our time in New Zealand and our bus tours but we are ready for Fiji now and keeping our fingers crossed for good weather. We are going to lie on a beach, snorkel, visit a fijian village, get a massage and eat some yummy food for 10 days, sounds like bliss right now!
I probably won't have chance to update my blog again as I won't have internet access on the islands in Fiji and I will be too busy moving around when I am in America. I can't believe my trip is nearly over and I will be home in less than 3 weeks. I have had the most amazing experience of my life and I am so sad to have to be going home but I guess I had to come home at some point. No money left hehe.
Mum, Dad and Kev I will see you in America and everyone else I will see you in the UK,
Lots of Love xxx
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